View Full Version : Samba Printer share on knoppix 4.0.2

10-18-2005, 03:09 AM
ok i recently went from knoppix 3.9 to knoppix 4.0.2. under 3.9 to share a printer with samba i edited smb.conf and cupsd.conf, mime.conv, and mime.types according to a howto i found on the internet. i was able to get the printer hsared to the windows machines on the network with very little trouble.

now, with 4.0.2 i followed the same howto and the steps being as follows and what errors i encountered along the way:

1. adduser --system --disabled-password -g nogroup smbprint
this was accompanied by errors reporting thet the RPC something or other could not be contacted and the connection was refused.

2. discover that portmap service needs to run to be able to achieve adding user smbprint

3. successfully created smbprint user with a home directory of /home/smbprint with smbprint:nogroup permissions.

4. edited smb.conf and cups files as instructed in this mini-howto: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/sharing_with_windows.html

5, resrted smbd and cupsd services.

6. successfully added the printer in my printers on Win XP Pro and installed the driver for my printer

7. open notepad to test a print and i receive the error: A StartDocPrinter call was not issued.

i have googled this error to no resolution to my problem. what has changed from knoppix 3.9 to knoppix 4.0.2 that would cause this malfunction and how do i solve it? i have also searched through the forums here but have not found anything even remotely close to what i am experiencing. any and all help is greatly appreciated.