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View Full Version : Help files, languages, plugins and update???

10-20-2005, 01:15 PM

I've tried klik on Suse 10, and I wonder if the help files / handbooks that written for all KDE apps ever will work and intergrate with KDE help center... It doesn't work for Algebra now, will it ever???

Then I also wonder if language support is being handled by klik???

And what about plugins, as I see it, it not possible to download a program and later and plugins for that app... Is that correct???

Last of all I wonder if klik has any update feature, to avoid that people is running an old version, of for an example firefox witch might have security problems???

besides those 4 things, witch I somehow hope klik can handle, klik is a nice way of getting software... but if those 4 issues isn't solved I can't see how klik would ever be perfect....

10-21-2005, 09:24 PM
I've tried klik on Suse 10, and I wonder if the help files / handbooks that written for all KDE apps ever will work and intergrate with KDE help center... It doesn't work for Algebra now, will it ever???

If you tell me how to do it... i'll happily include it! (setting MANPATH= and KDEDIRS= seems to have no effect...)

Then I also wonder if language support is being handled by klik???

What do you mean? If an application is multilingual, it is so also with klik (especially KDE apps are!)

And what about plugins, as I see it, it not possible to download a program and later and plugins for that app... Is that correct???

klik follows the "1 application = 1 file" approach. Thus, any plugins must be part of the respective application's cmg file. (That can be made so.) For example, gimp.cmg would have to contain all the GIMP plugins. (This is a feature, not a bug!)

Last of all I wonder if klik has any update feature, to avoid that people is running an old version, of for an example firefox witch might have security problems???

If the user wants a newer version, he clicks on the respective klik:// link again. klik is not a "package manager".
