View Full Version : Downloading Software for knoppix

10-22-2005, 11:07 AM
in a previous thread i have questioned the installation of software (eg:/ how it is done)...
i did not really understand how to install things so i figured the best way is through practice..

i am creating this to ask people where can i download software that i can install on my knoppix installation, and what versions of softwares do i download and how to install them...
I understand that this is a very, very large subject but i am quite new to knoppix and from what i have experienced so far it has been rather daunting, i have not even been able to use my modem (neither internal nor external)...

if this has all been asked before or there is a guide or free possibly HANDBOOK to knoppix and doing the sorts of tasks, could you please point me in the right direction or just post what you know that could answer my questions...

thank you in advance... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

10-26-2005, 02:24 AM
I don't know how to use Unionfs so this info is for knoppix installed to hard drive.Load the Konsole screen. Type su so that you are the root user (like an administrator). Then after pressing ENTER type dselect update or type apt-get update. This updates the links to the download sites (I think) and you will see the conections to the ftp sites scrolling down the page until you get a message that says some index files could not be loaded or somethng similar. If you don't do this the packages won't download. Then install the package you want using apt-get <package name> e.g. apt-get openoffice.org , apt-get tomcat5. To delete software use apt -get --purge remove <package name>, but be carefull as stuff may be deleted that you still need and not everything is avilable for re-installation. If you read the text when deletinh/installing it will say which software is going to be installed, what extra packages will be installed with them, what will be removed if you install the packages as well as what suggested or recommended packages are available.If you look at the remastering howto which is under the Documentation tab at the top of the screen,, you can find most of the basic codes for changing knoppix.I haven't tried Unionfs yet, but I think if you create a persistent home on your hard drive (KMenu------KNOPPIX-----configure-----create a persistent home), baring in mind though that Knoppix can't write to Windows NTFS partitions, then I think you can boot Knoppix, save and remove packages etc. without having the whole Knoppix disk installed. type Unionfs into search as Like I said I am not sure

10-26-2005, 04:02 AM
i cant connect to the internet with my knoppix installation so i am pretty much talking about manual installation...

thanks for trying to help me, please continue.. :roll:

10-26-2005, 05:02 PM
basically manual installation should be the same. Before I realised that it was at debian I installed quanta/koffice manually and it worked more or less the same. If you have a copy of a debian package then make a directory to place the file in. I know that knoppix stores alot in /usr/share e.g. /usr/share/tomcat5. I installed netbeans in /usr/local/netbeans.I think the /usr/ directories are global, but I am not sure but you can google Linux filesystems to find out where to create your installation directory. Then do dpkg -i <package name> and it should install as if you had done it over the net in the directory that debian would usually choose. I think the net connection is only for ease of download. however, when I had to install quanta it didn't tell me that I needed cervisia until I had installed and loaded it. with a manual install this meant trawling through the net to find the package. however with Koffice I found all the support packages there at debian but it was a pain copying them all. If the required support packages are not installed then you will get a broken packages error message with some indication of what packages are needed to get the software to work

If the package is RPM or Slackware or whatever then do alien --to-deb <package name> . then do dpkg -i <package name>

mkdir /mnt/usr/share
cp /mnt/cdrom/tomcat5675687.rpm /usr/share/tomcat5
alien --to-deb /usr/share/tomcat5/tomcat5675687.rpm
dpkg -i /usr/share/tomcat5/tomcat5_9_7.deb

Knoppix has stuff for unzipping zip files e.g. unzip tar.gz, but I am not sure what else (e.g. unzip wapide1.0.zip). The files will unzip to whichever directory you are in at the time.
Netbeans with jdk5 was a bin file and installed by changing permissions and then executing the bin file (instructions were on the download site)e.g.
cp /mnt/cdrom/jdk1.5_67-nb-linux.bin /usr/local/.java
chmod 755 jdk1.5_67-nb-linux.bin
So having an internet connection is not essential but makes life alot easier. Could you not take your box to a friends house plug in there and download as you don't need to install software to connect to the internet. (you may have to do KNOPPIX---Network----ADSL/PPPOE and install the relevant driver for your box then do netcardconfiguration)

10-26-2005, 05:11 PM
sorry mkdir /usr/share

to see what drivers you need for network connection do lsmod. I have an ethernet connection (from a company called NTL in England )on board and pci which needed pegasus (find at ADSL/pppoe at kernel/drivers/usb/net and I also needed via-rhine look in kernel/drivers/net)

10-26-2005, 05:31 PM
also 3.9 has a buggy Unionfs which supposedly causes problems.3.8.2 seems a bit better and 3.7 will do your network connection/hardware recognition automatically so it might be better to start with that then go on to later versions. I haven't looked at 4.0 yet so I can't say

10-26-2005, 05:41 PM
find earlier knoppix versions at ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/dist/knoppix