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View Full Version : How to use loadlin to boot Knoppix

04-28-2003, 03:14 PM
I copied KNOPPIX into hardisk and would like to boot either using LOADLIN or LILO without using floppy. I tried loadlin c:vmlinuz root=/dev/ramdisk rw initrd=c:Miniroot.gz but no luck. I noticed the syslinux.cfg file in the boot disk but I do not know how to parse the pertinent information to loadlin.

please help.. while on the topic of hd booting, can someone also show me how to use Lilo to boot ?

thanks so much

04-28-2003, 04:32 PM
nevermind.. I got it ! The command is LOADLIN c:vmlinuz root=/dev/shm rw initrd=c:miniroot.gz <additional parameters>
to get an idea of what the additional parameters look into A:\syslinux.cfg

Would someone please give me some directions how to config lilo.. although I think I have a rough idea how it works.. thanks

04-28-2003, 04:48 PM
Nevermind the lilo question.. I got it... I promise to ask something I can't answer in the future..