View Full Version : mounting a share from W2K3 ADS Server

10-24-2005, 09:52 PM

when i start the Knoppix 4.02 BootCD I can with the Gui have a look on my Windows 2003 ADS Server - Share.
But if I like in the Shell to do a #mount -t smbfs -o=admin //ipadress/sharename /mnt/winshare i get a error:
protocol negotiation failed.

If I use the same command to a XP PC then it works!

I have used different Users, but with no result!
From Windows XP the net use command to this Server works fine.

What is different? How can I troubleshoot this?

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!¨¨


11-02-2005, 11:33 PM
Server 2003 shares require "SMB signing" to be enabled.

Samba does not play nice with SMB signing from my past experiences...

There are articles on the net with information on how to get around SMB signing but that requires quite a few changes to your Win2k3 box IIRC.

You may try using this command:


Instead of smbmount. This uses the CIFSfs instead of SMBFS...

Not sure if this filesystem support is in the Knoppix version that you are using...

Sorry I can't give syntax examples but currently I am not on a linux machine. :oops:

11-15-2005, 04:11 AM
Server 2003 shares require "SMB signing" to be enabled.

Samba does not play nice with SMB signing from my past experiences...

There are articles on the net with information on how to get around SMB signing but that requires quite a few changes to your Win2k3 box IIRC.

You may try using this command:


Instead of smbmount. This uses the CIFSfs instead of SMBFS...

Not sure if this filesystem support is in the Knoppix version that you are using...

Sorry I can't give syntax examples but currently I am not on a linux machine. :oops:

You should be able to disable SMB signing within the 2k3 Group policy / security settings and set that to
not require SMB Signing.

Also make sure you enable LM/NTLM authentication.