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View Full Version : Ethernet modem - need help

10-28-2005, 12:06 AM
I'm using a SpeedStream 5200, ISP is Bell/Sympatico, DSL internet connection, and I can't connect to the Internet. Tried everything in Knoppix that seemed possible, and some things that didn't and still nothing. I have a DamnSmallLinux Live CD and when I load it, I can connect but in Knoppix 4.0.2 I can't. any suggestions?

10-31-2005, 04:02 AM
someone plese help, I want to use Linux, but I still have to use windows to use my Internet, which sucks! please post some help!

Harry Kuhman
10-31-2005, 04:32 AM
any suggestions?
1 For your own safety as well as for the rest of us on the Internet, use a router. The problem will go away when you do. These are dirt cheap now.

2 To get better response to your posts, stop playing games with colors. That and oversized text make many people just ignore the post.

3 If you refuse to use a router, you'll need to run the pppoe software. Can't talk you through that, as a router makes this unneeded and I've never fooled with it. See suggestion 1.

Harry Kuhman
10-31-2005, 04:54 AM
A followup: Your device seems to have an internal router. Have you disabled it? Have you flashed firmware since Damn Small Lonux worked? Does Damn Small Linux still work? If so what errors do you see when you try to use Knoppix?

10-31-2005, 05:47 PM
sorry about the colors ... I have an external modem, but I have an internal ethernet card. KNOPPIX sees and seems to configure the internal one, but when i try to get to the Internet through my modem, it doesn't see it. DamnSmallLinux works every time. I even tried getting to the ex. modem through the default gateway (KNOPPIX), and in Konqueror it says it can't find it, on Firefox it says "the connection was refused". I'll try doing the PPOE. I'm not sure if I tried it, but I'm sure I can get through it. I also tried to look for "unsupported modems (winmodems)" in the modemconfig thingy, and it seems to see it, and when it gets to half the page it stalls.

Harry Kuhman
10-31-2005, 07:23 PM
I don't have your modem, my only knowledge of it is from a quick Google search. But it does sound like it has a router built in, and if that's the case and if it is enabled (you can disable it and that might happen by default on a firmware update) then Knoppix should just find the router by DHCP at boot time and set up everything for you. I'm not at all clear why you mention winmodems and such; you are trying to connect through the ethernet connection to your modem/router, right? You should not get off the track with talk of winmodems or external modems at all; these are references to ancient 20th century dial up technology.

I feel that you should focus on:
Is the router still enabled in the modem? Can you see it's set-up page(s), which likely have a feature to enable and disable the router.

When you boot DSL, do you get assigned a 192.168.xxx.xxx address? Use ifconfig to check.

When you boot Knoppix, do you see any network related errors? What does ifconfig tell you about the eth0 connection? Try running netcardconfig and telling it to do a dhcp setup and let us know what happens.

10-31-2005, 08:14 PM
I know my modem has an option in it's setup page to use bridge mode, but I have no idea what it means/is. I'll run ifconfig and post the results. DSL doesn't show that it assignes me an IP when I load it. and no errors come up in Knoppix when I boot it except that it usually doesn't load the X window system right the first time after I've restarted forom windows.

Harry Kuhman
10-31-2005, 08:20 PM
DSL doesn't show that it assignes me an IP when I load it.
What does this mean? You must have an IP address if you are networking with TCP/IP. Check your ifconfig settings for each OS.

I think (but am not sure) that bridge mode means that it disables/bypasses the router (but check you manual and/or help files to be sure). You want to be sure that the router is enabled for Knoppix to connect automatically (and I would have expected for DSL to do so too).

10-31-2005, 09:23 PM
it means that when DSL is booting, it doesn't display that it has assigned me an IP address, not that it doen't assign me one altogether. how can I make sure it's set so that Knoppix can connect to it automatically?

11-01-2005, 05:31 PM
I tried bridge mode on my modem, and I had to spend a few hours trying to reset it.
also: when I run ifconfig on Knoppix it shows "local" ip address but when I run DSL it also shows another one. I'll show a screenshot when I get home... when I run the PPOE it says that there was either an eror or that some other PPOE service is already running. any more info needed?

11-03-2005, 06:03 PM
anyone? :?: