View Full Version : nfs mount: mount: RPC: Program not registered

10-31-2005, 07:06 PM
My Windows XP toshiba laptop recently blew its brains out (wouldn't you?) It won't boot, but when I boot with the O'Reilly Knoppix hacks CD, I can mount the hard drive and look at all of my undamaged files.

I'd like to exportfs the hard drive, mount it on another linux box, and cpio, copy, dd or whatever the toshiba's file system onto the other box. I can't get it
to work. Here's what I'm doing:

as root:
clean out the host.deny file
and set hosts.allow wide open.

exportfs knoppix://mnt/hda1

then, on some other box I do

mount -t nfs knoppix://mnt/hda1 /some_mountpoint

and I get:

mount: RPC: Program not registered

What do I have to do to get the nfs mount to be visible on the client box?