View Full Version : Hard drive help

11-03-2005, 04:02 AM
Can anybody help? Knoppix wont let me write to or delete anything on my hard drive. is that a problem or will knoppix just not do that?

thanks in advance for helping the n00b.

11-03-2005, 04:13 AM
3 Q: I see the partitions from my hard disk on the desktop and can access their contents when I click on them, but if I try to write to them I always get the error message "access denied". How can I write to my existing partitions? (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Using_FAQ#Q:_I_see_the_partitions_from_my_hard_dis k_on_the_desktop_and_can_access_their_contents_whe n_I_click_on_them.2C_but_if_I_try_to_write_to_them _I_always_get_the_error_message_.22access_denied.2 2._How_can_I_write_to_my_existing_partitions.3F)