View Full Version : Copying hard drive to hard drive new to linux

11-21-2005, 08:10 PM
i have a hard drive that wont show up in windows but it shows up fine in knoppix, so i tried to copy the files (total 150 gb) to a extra 200 gb hd but it wont let me saying it cannot create folder( in 200gb). Im new to linux, can someone explain the process or what i need to do or if theirs is a way to fix the disk so it will show up again in xp. thanx in advance

11-21-2005, 08:33 PM
hmm you have formated and partitioned the drive? if yes what filesystem?
if not i would try using partimage to copy the files and filesystem to the new drive.

11-21-2005, 10:26 PM
the new hd is formated (ntsf), should i have part image already or i need to download

11-22-2005, 05:06 PM
partimage is already in knoppix atleast the DVD variant.
to be honest there are multiple ways to do this, I would use a EXT3 or vfat disk, note that vfat is limited to max 3.9G filesize (each partition can be over 80g though) if you have any larger files you might want to use a linux filesystem.
if you want more info use the forums search tool and ask here.

here you have ONE rescue of files.
here is another
and another