View Full Version : Saving Config

05-01-2003, 04:08 AM
Okay, when I save my config, of course using the utility, it saves properly and all. But there's just one thing:
When I reboot into it, it will load almost all of my configs, save for the language, and my desktop wallpaper. And for some reason now, it won't save what I have on the desktop anymore. I have to save things to my zip instead (which will only work properly if I have it in when I boot up, but oh well. I got my home dir and configs saving to it).
Just thought I'd point that out, since I can't post anything to the news section.

And yes, I'm using the latest version out there (2003-04-28 ).

http://gecko.gc.maricopa.edu/~rbwither/IMAGES/harshdonate.jpg (https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=lordharshmage%40risecom.net&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD)

05-01-2003, 08:49 AM
--I boot my machines all the time w/o having a disk in the zip drive, it should still work... Check ' dmesg|less ' and ' fdisk -l ', it should still detect the drive as SCSI (sda or somesuch) and you can still issue manual ' mount ' commands for it. All you should have to do is have a spare /mnt directory for it.

Okay, when I save my config, of course using the utility, it saves properly and all. But there's just one thing:
When I reboot into it, it will load almost all of my configs, save for the language, and my desktop wallpaper. And for some reason now, it won't save what I have on the desktop anymore. I have to save things to my zip instead (which will only work properly if I have it in when I boot up, but oh well. I got my home dir and configs saving to it).
Just thought I'd point that out, since I can't post anything to the news section.

And yes, I'm using the latest version out there (2003-04-28 ).

http://gecko.gc.maricopa.edu/~rbwither/IMAGES/harshdonate.jpg (https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=lordharshmage%40risecom.net&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD)