View Full Version : slow graphics

11-30-2005, 06:14 PM
Was wondering why mpeg movies run extremely slowly, with very poor stuttering sound?

All the racing arcade games on knoppix 4.0.2 run very choppy and in slow-mo as well.

Knoppix sees my nvidia gf 6800gt card at boot-up as "unknown vendor (nvidia fb device xfree 86 vesa)" and kxconfig sees it as "generic vesa".

amd 3000+
2048mb ram


11-30-2005, 08:59 PM
Ever installed Windows 2000 or Windows XP from CD? A Windows XP install CD does not include the latest Nvidia video drivers. It only includes a baseline generic nvidia driver and if you want the added performance & features, you must download & install the nvidia driver. Knoppix works almost the same way. It is using a generic video driver and you are not getting the performance you would normally see if it was using the nvidia driver. If you want the nvidia driver then you must not use Knoppix as it is designed to be a Live-CD/DVD and not a hard drive installable Linux distro (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/HD_Install_Warning_not_to_do_it). You can try Suse 10.0 or Ubuntu 5.10 as they are both easy to use and have a large community of people to help you out.

11-30-2005, 09:41 PM
Ever installed Windows 2000 or Windows XP from CD?


A Windows XP install CD does not include the latest Nvidia video drivers. It only includes a baseline generic nvidia driver and if you want the added performance & features, you must download & install the nvidia driver. Knoppix works almost the same way. It is using a generic video driver and you are not getting the performance you would normally see if it was using the nvidia driver.

Still, wouldn't expect quite such poor performance.

If you want the nvidia driver then you must not use Knoppix as it is designed to be a Live-CD/DVD and not a hard drive installable Linux distro[/url]. You can try Suse 10.0 or Ubuntu 5.10 as they are both easy to use and have a large community of people to help you out.

Was running knoppix off live dvd.

Still haven't decided what distro to have a go at installing. That's a post for another day.


Forgot to say thanks!........

Thanks :D

12-01-2005, 06:07 PM
Just uninstalled nvidia graphics driver to test your theory and movies play fine in windows without. I'm sure most modern games would fail to run without though. Then again, TuxKart and the likes are hardly graphics intensive games. Wonder why those games are put on knoppix live dvd in the first place if it hasn't got the driver support to play them? I know my system isn't brilliant, but I'd expect simple games like that to run.

Would be interested to hear if other people can play mpeg movies and the arcade games on knoppix live.