View Full Version : how to get css to work

12-08-2005, 04:39 AM
hi, im a total noob when it come to linux, anyhow i've manage to get up an apache2 web server, with basic configuration. I want to implement CSS, but i can't seem to get it to display the result on my web page, any idea what im doing wrong?

i have every under /home/user/public_html/

i have this in my index.html

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='mycss.css'

my css script:

td { color: #000000; }

12-09-2005, 12:09 PM
Open one of your saved html pages in an editor and see how they do it.

For example:

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="themes/ExtraLite/style/styleNN.css" type="text/css">

That is a sever generated page with the path used being recognised as relevent to the servers configured top directory. Which ids basically what you seem to be looking for.

Or if you arn't using a local server, then you would need to use an absolute path.

Some browsers will have a "preferences" option to use a local stylesheet. In that case the page configured path will be over-ridden, but the local absolute path will need to be supplied as a parameter to the browsers preferences.

In opera i have ...

Avanced page -> content -> Style options -> My style sheet -> /home/jmd/styles/default.css

Your example above just lacks a full path ... I'd try creating a directory under your servers "root" directory and make the path look something like


or possibly


By the way, style sheets are a really handy way to get different sites to render their pages -=- Your Way -=- (grin).

As they all seem to run very similar site sw, mostly, a lot of the "class" labels and such will be the same. So by doing a "wget" on their sheet(s), a person can easily construct a configuration suitable to themselves. That will work with pages from a number of different sites. As long as the browser allows for a local sheet to over-ride the sites of course.

Site pages used to drive me totally crazy untill i stumbled on that trick :D
