View Full Version : Phantomix Live CD

12-26-2005, 02:11 PM
Inspired by recent politicial developments in Europe, I have created the "Phantomix Live CD". Phantomix is a Live CD for anonymous surfing and chatting based on KNOPPIX. It comes preconfigured with tor and privoxy. Tor and privoxy will be started during the boot sequence. After booting from the CD, the user is in the common KNOPPIX KDE Environment. Access to the internet is configured to be routed via tor/privoxy for anonymous surfing.

The iso size is 700 MB. Almost everything from the original KNOPPIX 4.02 CD (x86) is there.

Intended uses:
1) Personal / private anonymous internet surfing
2) Demo CD for raising security anonymity awareness

The phantomix mini website is at http://phantomix.ytternhagen.de

Phantomix can be downloaded via bittorrent from linuxtracker.org (http://linuxtracker.org/download.php?id=1078&name=phantomix.torrent)
and will soon be available via ftp from ftp.uni-erlangen.de .