View Full Version : Adding programs without remastering?

01-01-2006, 02:12 AM
I'm new to Knoppix, so this may be a dumb question. But looking through the forums and the help file haven't found much...

At my workplace we do a lot of scientific imaging, and as such have a large number of imaging and modeling programs for our work. Due to the low number of Linux-running computers at our facility we don't have a lot of work stations where people can use this software. We're looking at using knopptix as a way for people to turn any PC into am imaging workstation, without having to install anything onto their computer (i.e. LiveCD or LiveDVD).

The problem I am having is that I have been unable to find ways to "install" these programs into knopptix to see if they'll work. I tried klick, but it didn'twork (or maybe I'm just dumb?). I was wondering if there were ways to "install" new programs using a LiveDVD "install" without using Klick. We have a few custom packages at work which we would like to test with Knoppix to see how well they'll work before we go through the effort of remastering.



01-03-2006, 07:58 PM
Best I can tell, you'll need a 2nd CD ROM on your computer or you'll have to do what I here:

I still haven't figured out if what I did caused my "cannot execute binary file" problem. Hopefully it is unrelated.

01-04-2006, 09:26 PM

If you're dead set on Knoppix then I can't help you but if you want to check out some other "live" linux types then check out Slax(http://slax.linux-live.org/). You can add modules to a base Slax ISO and then reburn the ISO and have your customized "live" Linux Cd with out really remastering it, at least the hard way anyways.

01-04-2006, 11:42 PM
If you're dead set on Knoppix then I can't help you but if you want to check out some other "live" linux types then check out Slax(http://slax.linux-live.org/). You can add modules to a base Slax ISO and then reburn the ISO and have your customized "live" Linux Cd with out really remastering it, at least the hard way anyways.

I'm not set on anything - Knoppix just seems to be one of the more popular liveCD Linux's out there. I will definetly check out slax.

Thanx for the advice.


01-11-2006, 07:51 PM
"We have a few custom packages at work which we would like to test with Knoppix to see how well they'll work before we go through the effort of remastering."

Really, the easiest way would to install Knoppix (or Slax) to the hard drive and see if your packages were compatible. There is a slight chance something still wouldn't work when the result was actually remastered--but the same would be the case with an arrangement where the OS was running from CD but the application running from the hard drive, as the most likely issue would be that something needed to be writeable.

The nice thing about Slax for this kind of thing is that it's set up to fit on a mini-CD, so it can grow a lot and still fit on a standard one. Knoppix may require a lot of included packages be removed before the remaster would work.

I have personally had better luck with remastering Knoppix, but Slax and Morphix (and maybe a few others) have the ability to add packages in a kind of modular fashion--included on the remastered CD, but not really part of the base .iso.