View Full Version : weird firefox problem

01-04-2006, 09:48 AM
Just setup my Knoppix system. Got it to recognize my usb wireless network and am posting this now with Konqueror. WhooHooo!

However, I've got a weird issue with Firefox. If I try to browse to a site with Firefox, I can only get there if I've recently browsed to the same site with Konqueror. If I haven't been there with Konqueror yet, Firefox tries for a while and finally says that the site isn't responding. But if I go there with Konqueror, then try again with Firefox, it works great. It seems to only be a domain resolution issue, because once I've been to the domain with Konqueror, I can browse all over that domain with Firefox, but as soon as I link to a different domain... nada.

Any ideas?

01-04-2006, 04:41 PM
If I was having this problem I would compare the preferences>connection settings between the two browsers. In firefox preferences are accessed from the edit menu. I haven't used KDE/Konqueror in quite some time so not sure, but they're probably under the edit or tools menu. Good luck

01-05-2006, 08:21 AM
Yup, tried that. All looked the same. No proxy setttings or anything.

Figure it out though. Had the nameserver set wrong for the NIC. Strange symptom, but once fixed all seems to be working well.