View Full Version : customizing F2 F3 boot help files

01-12-2006, 12:19 PM
Hi ..
sucessfully working on the remastering of KNOPPIX 3.8.2 in my regional language..
I was able to suceed in changing cheat codes with knoppix lang=en to "myname" lang=en
However the f2 screen sounds like confusing the user.. so just wanted to know what abt making my own f2 screen.. how it can be done.. i tried editing of this screen by using TETRADRAW however it seems like quite tough job. What abt replacing it with some other file with cheat codes options as i want to give..
Which way i should try making a file.. its a ascii text file with size around 1.3 kb.. how should i create a new file
reply at earliest
Thanks in advance

01-15-2006, 07:10 PM
so just wanted to know what abt making my own f2 screen.. how it can be done.

Well, my advice is to forget modifying Knoppix f2 and f3 files. I myself have used files from Damn Small Linux as a base which are not so complicated.

But how to edit? There is no easy way. I have modified everything using Midnight Commander and then tested my file by Qemu. The only thing after doing a compressed filesystem is to make an isofs which don't take long in new machines, if you have dma enabled.

Perhaps you want to see one of my files (have 5 at this time). Edit isolinux.cfg if you add some more files :

F1 boot.msg
F2 f2
F3 f3
F4 f4
F5 f5

Here comes one of my file:

^O1bSeuraavat ty.p.yd.t ovat valittavissa (oletus: kde)
(boot: linux desktop=ty.p.yd.n_nimi):^O17
linux desktop=afterstep
linux desktop=blackbox
linux desktop=enlightenment
linux desktop=fluxbox
linux desktop=fvwm95
linux desktop=gnome
linux desktop=icewm
linux desktop=ion3
linux desktop=jwm
linux desktop=matchbox
linux desktop=olvwm
linux desktop=pwm
linux desktop=w9wm
linux desktop=waimea
linux dekstop=windowlab
linux desktop=windowmaker
linux desktop=wmaker
linux desktop=wmii
linux desktop=xfce4

Not so compicated as Knoppix file but looks beautiful anyhow :) Be careful how many empty spaces you add after text if you want a justified box.

To help you with colors, following table might be useful:

0 = black
1 = dark blue
2 = dark green
3 = dark cyan
4 = dark red
5 = dark purple
6 = brown
7 = light grey
8 = dark grey
9 = bright blue
a = bright green
b = bright cyan
c = bright red
d = bright purple
e = yellow
f = white

Just take a look once more at my file and try to figure out what e.g ^O70 means. The first ^O means Ctrl-O, 70 after that means that bg color is light grey (7) and fg color is black (0). Simple, isn't it?
