View Full Version : Complete List of Packages

01-20-2006, 07:43 PM
Is there somewhere on-line one can go to find the complete list of packages that are included in a given (standard) Knoppix image?

Here's the context: a question arose about wiping a hard disk. I thought I remembered that Knoppix included a utility to do this, so I wanted to say "if you have a knoppix disk around, you can boot it and ..." But I wanted to confirm first, so I went looking for the list of packages. Couldn't find it; not even for the current distribution. (As it happens, I have a hardcopy of "Knoppix Hacks," and it has a hack for wiping a hard drive, so that specific question is answered. But the question of how to get the list of packages remains.)

I know that when you boot the cd, there is a link to the list. (As I remember, the link actually pointed to ftp://knopper.net.) But you should not have to boot a machine to answer this question. And ideally you would be able to find out on a per-ISO basis. So, for example, if you want to know whether a given package is on (a) the 3.8 CD, (b) the 4.0 CD, or (c) the 4.0 DVD, you would be able to find out even if you didn't have that particular item in your hands.

If someone can point me to the information, I'll make an effort to add it to the wiki in the appropriate place.

01-20-2006, 07:57 PM

01-20-2006, 09:40 PM