View Full Version : No compressed file

01-23-2006, 06:58 PM
I am still pretty new to linux but I have been setting up the computers at the school I work at to run Knoppix via the hd install. I know I won't be here forever so I started writing an install guide for the person who ends up taking my job. This guide ended up being rather lengthy so I started looking into makeing a customized version that would just be pop in, format drive, install. Thus no going from website to website to install the needed programs. I stated following the customization tutorial and got to the point of making the compressed image. I run the command but, I don't get a file afterwards. There is the iso warning when it starts and then the screen scrolls trough tons of files and everything finishes without errors. However when I go to find the compressed file it does not exist. Anyone else had similar problems?

01-23-2006, 08:47 PM
How are you remastering? Are you using the menu based scripts, or are manually entering the mkisofs commands from the remaster howto?

Also what version of Knoppix are you remastering?

I noticed with 4.0.2 that the /tmp directory was sym linked to /ramdisk/tmp, and by remastering with the menu based scripts, if you leave the sym link in, it won't create the ISO.

01-23-2006, 11:17 PM
Knoppix 4.0 and all console commands manually entered for maxium control. Directly following the how to. It is the mkisofs command at the make compressed image that isn't creating an actual file but, it appears to finish without problems.

01-27-2006, 07:44 PM
Double post eeek :shock:
Well I gave up and started using the menu based scripts listed in the announcement. So far everything looks like it is working like it should. The computer is making the compressed fs right now and only 14% so we are going to let it run over the weekend. Hopefully when we get back everything will be fine. On a side not anyone got any suggestions for some software to fill the 67 megs I still have free. Keep in mind this is being used in a school setting.

Software already included blender, wings3d, nvu, inkscape, and clamav.