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View Full Version : The Matrix-Type Shutdown Hang

01-24-2006, 09:51 PM
I haven't been successful in finding any information on the issue I am having. I have the same issue with the Knoppix CD and DVD. When I choose to shutdown Knoppix it works as if everything is fine then I get the , "initializing shutdown sequence" then I get these colorful scramble of lines. It's hard to describe it looks sorta like the Matrix screen but colors and lines instead of green characters. Remeber UHF TV and the vertical sync being off? Well hyperspeed that and throw in color.

It also never actually shuts down either I have to hold in the power button.


01-24-2006, 11:55 PM
does it ever eject the CD? If so then it has killed the processed & unmounted the filesystem & is waiting for you to hit the ENTER key to fully shutdown.
If not then I do not know what is happening.

01-25-2006, 01:34 AM
Yes the CD pops out and I think I have tried to hit ENTER but nothing. But how do I prevent the scramble jumble matrix-style crap so I can read what's going on??

01-26-2006, 01:10 AM