View Full Version : apt-get - - - can't get

01-27-2006, 01:04 AM

Actually, the problem isn't with apt-get at all...sort of.

Truth to tell, after I chroot into the uncompressed file system in a root shell, I'm unable to get out to the Internet to run apt-get.

I know the Internet connection is working. I'm using Linspire (yeh, I know it's kinda weak on security - but that's why I'm only using it for this!) to setup a remaster. I'm able to go out to the Internet on Linspire, but not within Knoppix. I've changed the /etc/resolv.conf file to point towards the proper DNS settings, with no luck.

Is there another file I need to edit? Perhaps the hosts file? Anyone else have this problem? What are your suggestions?

Thanks for any help you'd provide!

01-27-2006, 02:42 AM
In order to utilise your hardware from the chroot environment, you'll need to mount proc.

I use (there are derivatives):

mount -t proc /proc /proc

If you have proxy settings to get out you'll also need to export those for apt-get to work, if my memory serves me correct it is:

export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxyip:proxyport"

01-27-2006, 01:40 PM
I don't actually need proxy settings. I am bypassing a firewall.

I've used the mount -t proc /proc proc command. I get no errors running the command, but I'm still unable to ping any Internet sites. I am able to ping IP addresses within the network I'm working in, but I'm unable to ping something like google.com. This is a wide open high-speed connection with a LAN. Obviously, there is something I'm missing , but I don't know what!

I edited the hosts file, changing it to match the hosts file within Linspire. However, I didn't delete all of the other lines in the file. All network settings are DHCP, which I assume Knoppix would use as default?

I'll try booting up with the Knoppix cd, and see what settings it gets upon connecting to the network.

Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!

02-01-2006, 09:54 AM
can you post your /etc/resolv.conf (chrooted )