View Full Version : Us Lucky Geeks

01-31-2006, 05:17 AM
I dont know what its like in the US but Geeks in australia get Chicks. The
Ones who Use windows dont. We do because we are rebelling against the law by using linux.

02-01-2006, 09:08 AM
The law ...

does seem that way :).

Not sure what to say about the first bit. Most people i meet here (.au) have very little knowledge of Linux.


02-01-2006, 12:55 PM

Well, in the USA, at least in "small town" USA, it is more like, people dont have a clue that an "alternate" Operating System even exists. "Linux? Whats that? Does it run under Windows?" is a usual response.

As for the "Geek" aspect, doesnt come into play, especially, when who you are talking to, doesnt have a clue what Windows really is, in the first place. Here is a sample:

"I'm having virus problems with my system again. Had to reinstall Windows for the third time."

I dont have to worry about that, I run Linux.

"Linux? Whats that? A virus scanner?"

No, its an alternate OS, only it is more stable, more secure, and doesnt have all those virus, trojan, and patches, that Windows has.

"I dont have a clue what you are talking about, from the point of 'OS' in your last statement. I just run what came installed on my system."

Not much "impressing" someone, when they dont even have a clue what they are running, why, and that other options DO exist. They just dont care, and the worst thing is, they are willing to "bend over" multiple times for Mr. Gates, instead of looking for alternatives to there problems.

As for "Linux" being a "Chick magnet" (???) Not quite sure bout this one, being a "Chick" myself, but it could have "mass-appeal" simply because it has a "cute and friendly penguin" for its mascott (???)

Windows decided on the "Window" thing image, which, either means, they knew it would keep breaking, or, that, sooner or later, someone would get wise to them, and thats where there OS would be flying out of, box and all (???)

This could be another reason why "Windows" 's image has four different colors, each pane has broken, and, when each of the four "panes" was replaced, they had to use a different color. At least Microsoft went with a "varied" take on the "window" icon, when they designed "Back Office", they used the multi-colored image again, but decided to use interconnecting "links", hopefully, I would think, to show "connectivity" of packages, or programs. But, as time goes by, I think the multi-colored links icon for Back Office has only shown, that, this, connectivity, has only lent itself to having a virus or trojan infest and "connect" to more things in your system.

I have said this before, and, I think it is more "true" now, then ever before... Linux is for "intelectuals" ( people who know what they have, and know what they run ), whereas, Windows is simple, plain, mass-used, has been around since man created the wheel, and pretty much runs like that, but, mostly, it doesnt take ANY brains to run it, mostly. It ALSO comes installed on practically every machine that is purchased, made, or bought.

So, being a "rebel" has its advantages...
Ms. Cuddles

02-01-2006, 01:21 PM
This will change everything: Google at work on desktop Linux (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/01/31/google_goes_desktop_linux/)

02-01-2006, 03:05 PM

02-02-2006, 10:43 AM

Windows decided on the "Window" thing image, which, either means, they knew it would keep breaking, or, that, sooner or later, someone would get wise to them, and thats where there OS would be flying out of, box and all (???)


From what i pickup on, Linux is happening over your way quit a lot compared to .au. In that, it is extremely rare to see it mentioned in any of the IT sections in news papers here, or to see any company advertisements in mags.

It's even embraced in Europe. But .au is a funny country, sometimes i think the sheep run the place and not the people. And it is full of to many galahs too (grin)

(did i spell that correctly ?)


02-02-2006, 03:01 PM

"The real Puppy, the mascot for Puppy Linux, was a very tiny dog, a Chihuahua, but totally fearless. He didn't seem to know that he was vulnerable because of his small size. Once when my sister was visiting my country property, she brought her Blue Heeler, a very solid middle-sized dog named Muti. We were out walking, and suddenly there was a substantial rustling of branches of a large bush, something was in or behind the bush. Muti took fright and ran back behind the legs of my sister, whereas Puppy got into launch position in front of the bush and barked furiously. It turned out to be my dad playing a trick on the dogs. Puppy used to chase kangaroos and other big wild animals. Anyway, Puppy Linux is like that, reckless, unshackled, in memory of the mascot, even though we know there's some risk."

02-02-2006, 10:38 PM
here in cleveland, the pastor of the church i go to used the metaphor "linux vs. microsoft" while doing a sermon about david and goliath two weeks ago

got polite chuckles from the congregation, so i got the impression that more than a few people knew what he was referring too...

gave me a warm fuzzy religious feeling

02-05-2006, 04:49 AM
We do because we are rebelling against the law by using linux.

Is it illegal to use Linux in Australia or something?

02-05-2006, 05:19 PM

Well, it may not be illegal to use Linux in Australia, but, then again, maybe, Mr. Gates has made it that way (?) ha ha ha


Interesting! You dont happen to have a copy of that sermon do you? I would be very interested in reading it... Not to mention the other people in our LUG, here in Phillips, Wisconson.


A lot of the "small dog" breeds are the same way... Many of them are the most "brave" dogs, almost having no clue that size, or weight, or "build" could have an advantage over them... I had a small dog a while back, and it would go after dogs that were the size of St. Bernards... I thought the other dog was instigating the fights, so I would break them up, and my dog would just go running back and start a fight all over again... either that was "play", or small dogs are almost completely "fearless" (?)


LOL! Whos to say, the sheep arent running everything over here in the "states" either??? (sometimes, I wonder about that.) Linux is starting to show up in a lot of places, many from site servers, time critical systems, and systems that need to be "on all the time". IMHO, you cant find, even purchased, any OS that is more "right" for these kinds of applications, not to mention, home users, that may also benefit from any of these things. I think a lot of people are "hearing" about Linux, and its huge benefits over the "off the shelf" OS, and are making paths to Linux.


Awwwww, sorry to hear your lonelyness... I've got one! (not because of running Linux, though, I had the girlfriend before, when I was running Win98. I can honestly say, I didnt get the GF because I was running any OS, Win98, or Linux, though.) For some help, in your situation, though, may I suggest you join a LUG? They are great places to meet other people, and "get to know" them :)

Ms. Cuddles

02-08-2006, 09:52 AM
We do because we are rebelling against the law by using linux.

Is it illegal to use Linux in Australia or something?


I think he means the society influence. There are a lot of funny things going on over here at the moment. There seems to be a strong covert push to wind back on a lot of issues to do with open gov public scrutiny and personal rights in general.

I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it was proposed in parliment.

There are some inroads though. I think i can remember an article mentioning that Griffith Council had decided to change over to a Linux system (a big rviena town way out west in NSW), and an Agricultural college up the north-west has change completely to Linux.

Hey, if the sheep are behind that, i'll sure be voting for them next time !! :)


Just a though ...

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-- fish fish fish fish fish fvwm ! ---
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02-15-2006, 02:22 AM
one thing i knoticed in aussy land... is alot of support in the media about linux... of course only real tech heads read it... but its good it good

Just a thought ...

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee