View Full Version : putting Knoppix on hdd/ other.

01-31-2006, 04:25 PM
the harddrive im using is only like 8gigs (really old) and im thinking of just whiping it clean, could i put knoppix on the hardrive or is it to small, if so what should i do? Also when ever i turn off knoppix everything goes back the way it was befor.

Harry Kuhman
01-31-2006, 04:43 PM
See answer #2. (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman)
If you are really willing to accept advice on what you should do, then consider a distro of Linux intended for hard disk. Debian (http://www.debian.org/) is a good choice, although far from the only one, and is the hard disk distro that Knoppix is based on. 8 gig would be fine for a Debian system.

01-31-2006, 09:44 PM
How do i get rid of widows without reformatting the drive , i dont think i have the boot disk

Harry Kuhman
01-31-2006, 09:53 PM
How do i get rid of widows without reformatting the drive , i dont think i have the boot disk
Having the Windows boot disk is not an issue for repartitioning or reformatting the hard disk. If the disk has NTFS partition then you absolutely will want to repartition and reformat. You likely will want to do this even if the disk only has FAT partitions. But what are you now trying to do? If installing Debian then the Debian Install CD (you only need the first CD of the set) should take care of that for you. If installing a different hard disk distro then it's installer likely takes care of it but we can't help you if you don't tell us. If using Knoppix from disc and if you have FAT partition then maybe that's enough. And if you're still thinking of installing Knoppix then you certainly don't want my advice.

02-01-2006, 12:29 AM
id like to install debain and get rid of windows totally. what should i look for to get debian (the first disc since thats what you said is all needed). or if theres a better linux OS suited to the computer im using that would be good.

Harry Kuhman
02-01-2006, 02:04 AM
id like to install debain and get rid of windows totally. what should i look for to get debian (the first disc since thats what you said is all needed). or if theres a better linux OS suited to the computer im using that would be good.
Better means different things to different people, and to some extent may depend on your hardware. I know of no reason not to try Debian. Follow the above link, then look for the Download link. I used BitTorrent to get the first CD, it was fast and clean. Burn the resulting ISO as you would Knppix ISO, boot and go through the install dialog. You can actually download and install from a smaller file and then download almost everything from the Internet during the install; but I found that I like to play around with the install a bit and do two or three trial installs before I'm sure of how I want things, so having a CD ends up being much faster than installing multiple times from the Internet. On the other hand, you don't need (or really want) all 14 discs as long as you have high speed Internet access, it's better to apt-get any additional applications that you want from the rest of the set over the Internet. And there is plenty to choose from.

02-01-2006, 03:35 AM

02-01-2006, 05:23 AM
ahh how do i log in

02-01-2006, 05:46 PM
when and where do you want to login?