View Full Version : Boot error on remastered from-hd CD 4.0.2

01-31-2006, 08:25 PM
After a couple of days of false starts, I've finally got a cd that finds the knoppix filesystem. The issue that I'm having now is that I can't get much farther.

Boot log is (partially):

Scanning for USB/firewire devices.... Done.
Accessing KNOPPIX CD at /dev/hda...
Found Primary KNOPPIX compressed image at /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.
Setting paths...Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436498
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436499
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436500
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436501
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436502
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436503
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436504
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436505
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436506
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block 436507
/linuxrc: expr: I/O error.
/linuxrc: expr: I/O error.
/linuxrc: expr: I/O error.
Creating /ramdisk (dynamic size=k) on shared memory...Done <<<yes that's a '=k'
Creating unionfs and symlinks on ramdisk...cp: writing './UNIONFS/etc/fstab': No space left on device

The 'no space left on device' messages continue for a bit until "starting init process." then there's a "printk 45 messages suppressed' and then a kernel panic.

The normal 4.0.2 cd boots fine in this system. Have I missed a step somewhere?

The filesystems on my cd and the 4.0.2 cd look identical when mounted on a pre-booted system.

Is there a remaster from hd howto for 4.x somewhere?

Thank you.

02-01-2006, 07:25 PM
Could the issue be that the filesystem i'm remastering from is mounted as reiserfs instead of ext2/3 ?