View Full Version : Date function stops working while running Python program

02-11-2006, 11:03 PM
Hello, I'm running a python program Python 2.3.5 on the 9-25-05 knoppix CD . The machine boots up fine and runs find for a time but I've notice that the programs freeze up after a while. I've noticed that when I break out of the programs often the erring command was 'time.sleep(3.00)' or some other value. I've run for quite a few hours with no problem and I use the time.sleep command a lot i.e. I'm not an expert at Python or Debian.
When I type in the 'date' command repeatedly at the command line the response is the same except the second value varies plus or minus a couple of seconds, never going higher.
I'm running on some IBM 8654 and 8674 servers.
Any ideas as to why I'm seeing this problem? Thanks a lot.