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View Full Version : change the background

05-06-2003, 06:37 PM

hi my name is mark

im a newbie and am not very good and want to make a replacement of the background to one which i have created.

can someone help ang give me the codes and instructions on how to do this.

i need this urgently.


Henk Poley
05-06-2003, 07:05 PM
im a newbie and am not very good and want to make a replacement of the background to one which i have created.

can someone help ang give me the codes and instructions on how to do this.
Supposed you use KDE...

Like in MS Windows, rightclick on the desktop, chose desktop settings, now select background, and fiddle a bit with the settings untill you like it (unlike MS Windows :-P)

i need this urgently.

05-15-2003, 09:07 PM
Remastering Knoppix CD-bootable Linux ( Uncompressed Outer Layer )


ABSTRACT: Procedure to customize and remaster the
uncompressed “Outer Layer” of a Knoppix CD-bootable Linux.
Uncompressed “Outer Layer” files may be viewed/copied on any
system that supports an ISO9660 CD-ROM.
Install user's web pages and multi-media using
KDE drag&drop and just a couple console commands.
Very simple.
Great for business & family multi-media kiosks, appliance projects/products, too.
Supports ( future ) uncompressed
knoppix-autoconfig, knoppix-halt, & knoppix-terminalserver scripts.

05-22-2003, 12:36 PM
:shock: :?