View Full Version : Knoppix with vim_Latex-Suite?

02-16-2006, 06:33 AM

I'm new to Knoppix (and Linux). I have been using Vim_Latex-Suite in Windows XP to publish my papers and write my thesis. I'm happy to stuck with this elegant and power tool Vim+Latex which downloaded from


I'm now migrating from Windows to Linux. I found Knoppix is the perfect choice for me. I've been trying to install to Redhat 9 to both my laptops and found it painful until I found the book "Knoppix Hacks" by Kyle Rankin. This book comes with a knoppix CD (version 3.4). What can I say! I love Knoppix! I have booted both of laptops and get them run in five minutes! I also tried it in my school library. The first time it failed and I tried the cheat code "failsafe" with sucess but mouse cursor is not moving. I then tried it with "noscsi" and it booted with mouse cursor. This is really exciting.

I now have some questions before I download or buy a copy of the latest version of Knoppix:

1. Will the latest version boot my laptops? One is HP 4201 the other is Dell D400.
2. I found there is a remastered Knoppix called "Quantian". Will this CD boot my laptops? And is the Vim_Latex-Suite included in this CD?
3. Or may be I can remaster a Knoppix liveCD to include Latex and Vim_Latex-Suite? I'm not sure I can do it because I don't have a Linux internet connection.
Is it possible for me to download the Latex package and Vim_Latex-Suite (by windows internet connection) and burn them to a CD and then install them and make a customized Knoppix liveCD?

I also found that Vim_Latex-Suite is include in Debian:

Can anyone help me with this please.


02-16-2006, 04:17 PM
Wow, lots of questions ... which is quite normal for first timers. :)

The brief answer is: flip some more through the Knoppix Hacks (http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/knoppixhks/) book, you will find, at least, pointers to the answers that you seek. Here are some longer answers:
1. Unknown, the only thing to do is to try it out. Check this post (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10633), and the whole forum, for a more answers.
2. Unknown; see answer to #1. As for Vim_Latex-Suite, most distros have on their website a list of "included packages". Google it.
3. It is not required to have a Linux Internet connection to remaster a CD. Again, see the Knoppix Hacks book, as well as Knoppix Remastering wiki (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Remastering_Knoppix).

Good luck, SiKing.