View Full Version : Knoppix and partitioning hard drive

02-16-2006, 02:18 PM
Hello All,

I've got into a bit of a tangle with my hard drive partitions. I now can't boot Windows XP, for instance.

Can the live Knoppix dvd be used to partition a hard drive, ready for re-installation of Windows and another distro?

Any info on how to do this would be gratefully received.

02-19-2006, 06:46 PM
Not quite sure about this, I am going from memory here, I dont run any form of M$ Windows, strictly Linux, but....

As far as I know, it is always best to use a Linux formatter/partitioner for Linux partitions, and Windows for Windows... i.e. cfdisk for Linux, fdisk for Windows...

As for a trashed "Windows" install, you might want to post, or troll, the "Windows" Forum for answers.

I have many friends that have, say, XP and at least one, to as many as three, Linux Distro's all capable of booting, on the same system. I, myself, had Knoppix and Win98 running on a dual hard drive install... From what I hear, I could be wrong, is, that, Windows should be installed first, and running, then, you go after installing your Linux. Not sure why, other than the fact that Windows cant see Linux, but, Linux can see Windows... NTFS partitions are not harmonious with Linux, if you plan to have Windows and Linux "co-exist", NTFS should not be used...

Not really sure if this has helped, but, I try :D
Ms. Cuddles

02-25-2006, 08:12 PM
> From what I hear, I could be wrong, is, that, Windows should be installed first, and running, then, you go after installing your Linux. Not sure why

--Windoze tends to overwrite the MBR (master boot record) of the HD, and make the Windoze partition active. Which (unless you have a Linux Lilo/Grub boot disk already made) renders Linux unbootable, and in any case you would have to re-do Lilo/Grub.

--One of many reasons I recommend installing Linux on a separate HD or VM (virtual machine), rather than dual-booting from the same drive.

Not quite sure about this, I am going from memory here, I dont run any form of M$ Windows, strictly Linux, but....

As far as I know, it is always best to use a Linux formatter/partitioner for Linux partitions, and Windows for Windows... i.e. cfdisk for Linux, fdisk for Windows...

As for a trashed "Windows" install, you might want to post, or troll, the "Windows" Forum for answers.

I have many friends that have, say, XP and at least one, to as many as three, Linux Distro's all capable of booting, on the same system. I, myself, had Knoppix and Win98 running on a dual hard drive install... From what I hear, I could be wrong, is, that, Windows should be installed first, and running, then, you go after installing your Linux. Not sure why, other than the fact that Windows cant see Linux, but, Linux can see Windows... NTFS partitions are not harmonious with Linux, if you plan to have Windows and Linux "co-exist", NTFS should not be used...

Not really sure if this has helped, but, I try :D
Ms. Cuddles

02-27-2006, 04:27 AM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies. Quite by chance while I was playing about with Knoppix, I found I could use QTParted, the disc partitioning tool, from the run command. This has fixed my problem. Wish everything went as easily!

Best wishes,