View Full Version : Want to create a tiny server distro

02-17-2006, 11:46 AM

I want to create a very, very small Knoppix distribution. All it needs to have is hardware support (including PCMCIA network devices), DHCP server and Samba server. I'm basically wanting to make a bootable CD that will enable a PC/Laptop to act as a NAS device.

Can anyone suggest how best to go about this? I've been through one of the remastering howtos, but it starts with a full-blown GUI source. What I really want to do is start with a minimal install and add the packages I need.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


02-19-2006, 08:06 PM
NOTE: I have not tried this (yet) so I really don't know how well it will work. However, you could try knoppifying a basic debian install-- Fabian has apparenlty done this (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_From_Scratch).

Finding the Knoppix specific deb packages has, for me, been a problem so I wrote the following perl script to extract the needed deb's from a running Knoppix session.

Good luck.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
################################################## ######################

=head1 NAME



B<deb_digger.pl> <wanted package> [base dir]

Where <wanted package> is the package to extract and [base dir] is
the (optional) directory to save the extracted deb file to.


Attempts to extract and rebuild a usable Debian package using nothing
more than the files/metadata for an installed Debian package.

The motivation for this has to do with wanting to create a custom
Knoppix-from-scratch live CD without having to either pare down an
existing knoppix CD or build up a minimalist derivative such as DSL.

Ideally, I'd like to extract the Knoppix specific packages from a live Knoppix
session ala:

for i in `dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n' | grep -i knoppix` ;
echo "### $i #######################################"
perl deb_digger.pl $i
echo ""

and apply the resulting deb files to a vanilla Debian install.


This will neither slice, dice or make Julianne fries. But wait, if you
act now you won't get a bonus set of ginzu steak knifes or a pocket
fisherman either.

=head1 AUTHOR


=head1 HISTORY

2006.02.07 Created.


################################################## ######################

use strict;

my $wanted_package = $ARGV[0] || die "Usage: $0 <wanted package> [base dir]\n";
my $base_dir = $ARGV[1] || './dug_up_debs';

my %deb = get_deb_data($wanted_package);

# control file
$deb{control} = get_control_file($wanted_package);
die "No control file found for $wanted_package.\n" unless ($deb{control});

# file list
my @file_list = get_file_list($wanted_package);
die "No list file found for $wanted_package.\n" unless (@file_list);
push @{$deb{list}}, @file_list;

# MD5's
my @md5sums = get_md5sums($wanted_package);
die "No MD5's for $wanted_package.\n" unless (@md5sums);
push @{$deb{md5sums}}, @md5sums;

# What shall we name the deb?
my $deb_dir = "$base_dir/${wanted_package}";
for (qw(version architecture)) {
$deb_dir .= '-' . $deb{$_} if ($deb{$_});

`rm -rf ${deb_dir}` if (-d ${deb_dir});

# Write/copy/create the control.tar.gz pieces
`mkdir -p ${deb_dir}/DEBIAN`;

# write the control, list, and md5sums files
write_file("${deb_dir}/DEBIAN/control", '644', $deb{control});
write_file("${deb_dir}/DEBIAN/list", '644', @{$deb{list}});
write_file("${deb_dir}/DEBIAN/md5sums", '644', @{$deb{md5sums}});

# copy any other files found in /var/lib/dpkg/info/
foreach (`ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/${wanted_package}.*`) {
my $file_name = filename($_);
my $target = "${deb_dir}/DEBIAN/" . (split /\./, $file_name)[-1];
`cp -p ${_} ${target}` unless (-e $target);

# Write/copy/create the data.tar.gz pieces
foreach my $source (@{$deb{list}}) {
chomp $source;
my (undef, undef, $mode, undef, $uid, $gid) = stat $source;

my $target = "${deb_dir}/${source}";
if (-d $source) {
`mkdir -p $target`;
chmod $mode, $target;
`chown $uid.$gid $target`;
} elsif (-f $source) {
`cp -p $source $target`;

`dpkg-deb --build ${deb_dir}`;

################################################## #####################

sub filename {
my $filename = (split /\//, $_[0])[-1];
return $filename;

sub read_file {
my ($source) = @_;
open(IN, '<', $source) || die "Could not open $source for input. $!\n";
my @ary = (<IN>);
close IN;
return wantarray() ? @ary : (join '', @ary);

sub write_file {
my $target = shift;
my $mode = shift;
open(OUT, '>', $target) or die "Could not open $target for output. $!\n";
print OUT @_;
close OUT;
chmod $mode, $target;

sub get_control_file {
my ($wanted_package, $status_file) = @_;
$status_file ||= '/var/lib/dpkg/status';
my $control;
my $raw_data = read_file($status_file);

# ASSERTION: it appears theat the first attribute in the status file
# for any given package is the package name.

foreach my $pkg_control (split /Package:\s+/, $raw_data) {
my ($package) = split /\n/, $pkg_control, 2;
next unless ($package && $package eq $wanted_package);

$control = 'Package: ';
foreach (split /\n/, $pkg_control) {
next if (/^Status:/);
$control .= $_ . "\n";
return $control;

sub get_deb_data {
my ($wanted_package) = @_;
my %deb_data;
my $cmd = q(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version}\t${Architecture}');
my $result = (`$cmd ${wanted_package}`)[0];
unless ($result =~ /No packages found/) {
my ($version, $architecture) = split /\t/, $result;
$deb_data{version} = $version || '0.0.0';
$deb_data{architecture} = $architecture || '';
return %deb_data;

sub get_file_list {
my ($wanted_package, $list_file) = @_;
$list_file ||= "/var/lib/dpkg/info/${wanted_package}.list";
my @list;
if (-f $list_file) {
my @listed = read_file($list_file);
chomp @listed;
foreach (@listed) {
if (-d $_ || -f $_) {
push @list, "$_\n";
} else {
warn "File or directory is missing: $_.\n";
return @list;

sub get_md5sums {
my ($wanted_package, $md5_file) = @_;
$md5_file ||= "/var/lib/dpkg/info/${wanted_package}.md5sums";
my @md5sums;

if (-f $md5_file) {
my @md5s = read_file($md5_file);
chomp @md5s;
foreach (@md5s) {
my ($md5, $file) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
$file = '/' . $file;

if (-f $file) {
my $check = (`md5sum $file`)[0];
my ($md5_check) = split /\s+/, $check;
($md5_check eq $md5) || warn "MD5 for $file does not match.\n";

push @md5sums, $check;

} else {
warn "File $file not found.\n";
} else {
warn "No MD5 file found for $wanted_package.\n";
return @md5sums;


02-20-2006, 05:03 PM

Thanks for the tip, and the script.

Like you, the problem I'm having is finding the debs! The Knoppix debs aren't available in the location in the default sources.list file (developer.linuxtag.net), and the replacement location (debian-knoppix.alioth.debian.org) doesn't contain any binary packages. Aargh!!!

Your script works fine, but in my release of Knoppix (4.0) the installation of the package knoppix-autoconfig can't be found (although /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig exists). A few others are the same... Without them the knoppify script fails :-(

So... I think I'm a bit stuck until the debs appear.



02-21-2006, 05:31 AM
Now this is unexpected...

root@1[knoppix]# cat /etc/knoppix-version
4.0.2 2005-09-12

root@1[knoppix]# grep knoppix-autoconfig /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list

I would have thought that it [knoppix-autoconfig] would have been found in a *knoppix* package.


root@1[knoppix]# grep -c knoppix /var/lib/dpkg/info/*list | grep -v ':0' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | cut -d '/' -f 6 | sed 's/\.list//'

shows a couple of packages that have something knoppix inside but without "knoppix" in the package name. Perhaps the knoppify script should be used as more of a guide than run as a script.


02-21-2006, 05:17 PM
Hmmm. I had a go at picking through the script. In the end I attacked it from a different angle - start with DSL and add the few components that I need! I've got it 95% working already!

Thanks again,
