View Full Version : Knoppix Question

02-18-2006, 10:44 PM
How do i make it so when i download files, they download to my hard drive, and stay there? And is there a way to set it up so i can either boot Knoppix, or Windows without the CD?

Harry Kuhman
02-18-2006, 11:12 PM
Knoppix is a Live CD. If you want Linux installed to your hard disk, which certainly can be set up for dual boot of either Linux or Windows, you would be much better off using a version of Linux that is actually intended for installing on the hard disk. Debain is one of many distros of Linux intended for install on hard disk and is the one that Knoppix is based on. It's pretty foolish to fight with a Knoppix hard disk "install" if you have never even tried a Debian install. And installing Debian will resolve both your dual boot and your save to hard disk issue (assuming you have space on the hard disk for Linux, or add a drive with space).