View Full Version : I can boot fron knoppix. now what?

02-21-2006, 04:29 AM
I upgraded (or tried to) my Debian box from Woody to Sarge. When I tried to reboot, LILO choked... from what I have gathered my best course of action is to use Knoppix to either repair LILO or install GRUB instead.

I am able to boot from the Knoppix CD.

I have tried doing several things like

grub-install hd0

where I got the following error

/sbin/grub-install: line 399: /usr/bin/uniq: input/output error
could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device

I've tried mounting a filesystem to chroot to and get an error saying something to the effect of specifying a wrong type or filesystem... sorry can't remember exactly...

I also get an input/output error when trying to run programs like vi, less and tail.

I'm kind of at my wits end here. Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated.