View Full Version : mounting ntfs rw

02-22-2006, 05:47 AM
Ok, maybe I'm a real idiot, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to get an ntfs partition mounted rw. I understand that it may be dangerous, but I'm willing to take that chance. My windose system got a virus and now I can't boot in. What I need to be able to do is delete a couple of directories. Could someoe provide me with the idiots guide to mounting ntfs rw? Here's what I've tried so far....

Ok, well first I right clicked on the partition on the desktop > Mount. Then Actions > change read/write mode. Obviously that doen't work. So I tried to remount it from a terminal (root) something like this: mount -tntfs -remount,rw /dev/hda3. The command process and doesn't throw any erors, but I still can't create a dummy direcotyr or delete. I read and thought that I should be using ntfsmount instead of mount, but that's not an installed program. I then read that you need to run this sudo captive-install-acquire but sudo says that's not a valid command. I also read that there should be a link to that program from the knoppix menu, and at least in knoppix 3.9 there's no such program anywhere. (nothing that says captive anywhere in the name)

Can anybody help me out? Also, once I finally get it mounted rw, do I need to run the netfsprog ntfsfix on the drive? or is that not needed with the method being used?


02-22-2006, 10:57 PM
Hi Mattail
For this you really need the latest version of Knoppix (4.02 at time of writing).
should help I hope.