View Full Version : xhcat - Segmentation fault

02-22-2006, 06:13 AM
I am running knoppix v3.8, and I am having a problem with xchat. Whenever I open xchat from the kmenu, and configure my nick and user name, and select an irc server to connect to, the program begins to connect, but then the window and the applications close with no displayed error message. I then decided that I would try to open xchat via terminal, and when I do, I configure the nick, and user id as I did when accessing it from the kmenu, and I click conncect, and then the program exits and this is displayed on the terminal window
Segmentation fault

Any ideas as to what that means, and how I can fix it :)

02-24-2006, 08:49 PM
Well, I'm suspecting the problem could possibly be caused by me running v3.8 of knoppix on the live cd and not on my hard drive. Since the error that I get is a Segmentation Fault does this mean that when I change the nick, that xchat is attempting to save that change to a file on the cd which is read only and could conceivable cause a segmentation fault (attempt to access memory that the application does not have permission to use) would the problem be fixed if I created a persistent home directory, or would that not have any bearing on the problem since xchat is not stored in the home directory on the cd.

03-04-2006, 11:21 PM
So...........is my topic ubernoob, I notice that there are no replies, does this mean that it is likely to be cause by a problem w/ my setup? is the xchat problem inherent in the live-cd of knoppix 3.8, could someone at least tell me if they have had a similar problem, and if xchat really does try to write to the cd when you set up you nick, am I really the only one who has this problem?

Harry Kuhman
03-04-2006, 11:31 PM
..........is my topic ubernoob,...?
No. I suspect that the lack of replies reflects that not many users here use xchat.