View Full Version : Couple Questions, about Debain and Distro's!!

03-01-2006, 08:45 AM
Hey Everyone,

I've been searching lately, and found out that Knoppix isn't the best system to run from the HDD.So question #1) Whats the best Distro of Linux to run?
I've also seen that you can run Debains or something like that. I though when I installed my Linux from CD I choose Debain. So question #2) How do I find out if I'm running Knoppix or Debain.

Thanks All....Mike R

03-01-2006, 11:45 AM
Hi there,
Knoppix is a Live CD version of Debian. ( www.debian.org ). But when you install Knoppix, it can become very much like debian. In the beginining the installer was different, but now it is improved, and more Debian like ( if you select debian like install ).

So question #2) How do I find out if I'm running Knoppix or Debain.

As I said above, Knoppix is based on Debian, it doesn't attempt to replace Debian when you install it. Your install is very Debian like, but you did not use the "official" debian installer. I would say once installed it's 10% knoppix, 90% debian :)

The Debian project still does all the software packaging, security updates, etc etc.

03-01-2006, 12:09 PM
Hey Everyone,

I've been searching lately, and found out that Knoppix isn't the best system to run from the HDD.So question #1) Whats the best Distro of Linux to run?
I've also seen that you can run Debains or something like that. I though when I installed my Linux from CD I choose Debain. So question #2) How do I find out if I'm running Knoppix or Debain.

Thanks All....Mike R
If you used the Knoppix CD/DVD you likely chose the "Debian Type" of installation - you did NOT install Debian, you'll need the Debian CD(s) for that (note - there are 14CDs in the Sarge distro, however you can install Debian using the Network install CD (~180MB only), that will update most other things (not found in that 180MB) over the Internet). I installed Sarge using just the 1st CD of 14, but I ended up without a GUI at first (text only), until I did apt-get install x-window-system-core kde kdm

uname -a
will display version info...

$ uname -a
Linux <machinename> 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Tue Aug 16 12:46:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

ooops -- eadz kinda beat me to it ;)

03-30-2006, 03:21 AM
#1) Whats the best Distro of Linux to run?

It varies from person to person; It depends on the applications you want to use on your machine.

Ubuntu is decent but you need to download a few things to support mp3s, videos, pdf files, dvds, etc. Even the popular Fedora Core 5 will not support multimedia out of the box. Ubuntu send you the CDs home for free :)

Mandriva on the other hand runs everything out of the box but does not have forum support as good as Ubuntu.

Knoppix on the other hand i feel supports a lot more things out of the box than Ubuntu, Mandriva, Ark or Linspire(the ones i've tried). Knoppix is absolute smooth at hardware detection & the forum is good :) Knoppix is a good HD install I feel as long as u dont try changing it aftr installing it. Frankly for most software there is no need to upgrade to a newer version just coz it is released. This is not Winduhs. As long as your distro is stable with the current version do not bother upgrading just coz it is "the latest version". The latest version for your distro will be whatever comes out of the box for the latest version of the distro. Trying out may or may not spoil the distro but you can never blame Knoppix on HD as it is primarily a Live CD. & It is the Mother of all Live CDs. :lol:

There are more than 200 downloadable distros so just define your needs and try out . Thats is what i can safely say we all do.