View Full Version : Changed mount to RW, device not RO, but still can't open

03-02-2006, 02:33 PM
I've learned the obvious stuff ... I've mounted my hard drive, changed the mount to RW, unselected the the "read only" button on the Properties-->Device tab, changed all permission to "Read and Write" but i STILL get some folders that are locked and give the error message, "You do not have permissions to read this file."

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for the help.

03-02-2006, 04:34 PM
There are a couple of things that have to be set so you can read and write any file...

1. The disk (or partition) must be mounted accordingly (ro for read, rw for write)
but you seem to have done that.

2. Every directory (or folder) you open on the path to the file must at least be
executeable, preferably readable as well.

3. The file itself must be readable (and writeable for write access).

I am just wildly guessing here, but presuming that your disk has an NTFS
filesystem you *don't want* to write to your disk - this could destroy the contents.

03-02-2006, 06:19 PM
what I finally found that worked -- albeit without GUI, was to open a terminal window, type

sudo su -

and then copy everything from the command line ... i never did get it from the GUI, but at least I got it ...

thanks for the help