View Full Version : Boot Messages

05-08-2003, 04:43 AM
Hello All,

I'm wondering where I can find the boot messages that scroll by after all of dmesg's info. What I mean here is, dmesg is wonderful for telling me everything that happened with my hardware...but there are a lot of boot-time messages that whiz by too fast to be read after the tail of what dmesg shows. Are these logged? If so, where? If not, can they be?

Alex Kirk

05-09-2003, 08:20 AM
1. Check ' dmesg | less '

2. Check ' less /var/log/dmesg ' for the boot-time info, in case your current dmesg is full of useless junk. ' /var/log/messages ' is more of a running log that doesn't get overwritten with each subsequent boot.

3. During boot, you hit hit Ctrl-S to pause the output (also pauses the boot process) and Ctrl-Q to resume. Don't forget Shift-Pgup/dn to scroll.

Hello All,

I'm wondering where I can find the boot messages that scroll by after all of dmesg's info. What I mean here is, dmesg is wonderful for telling me everything that happened with my hardware...but there are a lot of boot-time messages that whiz by too fast to be read after the tail of what dmesg shows. Are these logged? If so, where? If not, can they be?

Alex Kirk