View Full Version : Download problems

03-25-2006, 06:36 PM
I just downloaded KNOPPIX_V4.0.2CD-2005-09-23-DE.iso via Bittorrent (Azureus). Azureus said it is ok, but already the file sizes don't fit. I have saved 711.12 MB while the file was listed with 694.61 MB. The MD5 file signature could be verified. The MD5 itself NOT!! I calculated with 2 independent tools "01 4f b2 d8 d6 6f 0f 57 e5 ed 44 9b a3 7e ee c8" but the control value is "0f67423e0d784f18db07409fd1b185a1". Any idea what can have gone wrong here?

The funny thing is, Azreus still uses this file to upload data for others.

03-25-2006, 07:24 PM
did u extract the iso maybe? i wouldnt imagine so, you sound like you know what your doing. i dont see how its possible for a fiel to be listed as one size and then downloaded in another. azureus sucks too btw. go for utorrent :P

03-25-2006, 07:56 PM
the iso should be OK, if you burn it as an image it should be ok, do NOT burn it as a bootable CD or anything, look in the wiki for more info.

Harry Kuhman
03-25-2006, 07:58 PM
This makes no sense at all. The ISO is certainly the size you expect, not what you say you have. I suggest a careful reading of the information indicated in answer #1 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

03-25-2006, 08:09 PM
So, if you can confirm - and that was part of my aim to ask - that the normative MD5 value and the listed filesize are correct, I must conclude that Azureus produced an error (which it up to day doesn't realize). Anyway, without verified data I certainly will not burn the CD. What is left is probably download it again, if I should insist having it. - I wonder though if not Bittorrent is inherently a source of corruption!?

Harry Kuhman
03-25-2006, 09:11 PM
So, if you can confirm - and that was part of my aim to ask - that the normative MD5 value and the listed filesize are correct, I must conclude that Azureus produced an error (which it up to day doesn't realize). Anyway, without verified data I certainly will not burn the CD. What is left is probably download it again, if I should insist having it. - I wonder though if not Bittorrent is inherently a source of corruption!?
I can confirm the filesize. I don't use the DE version and so can not confirm the md5, but I have every reason to believe that the md5 delivered in the torrent download is correct. I do not use Azereus, I see no reason to use it instead of the real original BitTorrent client, which works and is safe. I suspect, as the other poster mentioned, that you may have thought that there were extra steps that really should not have been done and you extracted files from the ISO, which is why I gave you the link. We also sometimes see people misread a file size (megs, Ks and bytes all look very different for the same file when you get to files this large), but that would not be your issue if the md5 value does not match.

03-25-2006, 09:33 PM
I do not use Azereus, I see no reason to use it instead of the real original BitTorrent client, which works and is safe.

There is a reason: the original is practically not available. That's why I am using Azureus.

Harry Kuhman
03-25-2006, 10:27 PM
There is a reason: the original is practically not available. That's why I am using Azureus.
Sheesh, I had no idea. I had not visited the bittorrent.org website in a while, and it is now very different and the real BitTorrent program seems to have vanished! I wish now that I had kept watch of the site better and downloaded some of the newer betas when they were posted. Does anyone know what happened? I know he was busy selling out, err, I mean cutting some commercial deals, but I didn't expect to see the real BitTorrent client just vanish. I do have the 4.0.4 client, which works great for me. If you want a copy send me an e-mail address by this board's private message feature (do not post an e-mail address in the forums or spammers will harvest it).

03-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Thanks for your advice and kind offer, perhaps I come back to it later but I see some security issues in this.

Latest status: I did another torrent down with an upgraded (latest) version of Azureus. Download finished complete and ok, again with size 711.124 KB. This time the MD5 of the download was correct. so what follows from this?

a) my first download was corrupted to unknown reasons
b) obviousely the ISO size reported at the download listing does not fit the object that was supplied and hashed by MD5
c) now I have to go and buy a better CD with 700 MB; I wonder though if not the download ISO is too big!

03-27-2006, 05:50 PM
no, the iso will fit the 700Mb just fine. the "extra" few bits are information to the burner and burnersoftware (yes I know, I made that statement much too simple to be tecnically correct)

Harry Kuhman
03-27-2006, 09:40 PM
Latest status: I did another torrent down with an upgraded (latest) version of Azureus. Download finished complete and ok, again with size 711.124 KB. This time the MD5 of the download was correct. so what follows from this?

a) my first download was corrupted to unknown reasons
b) obviousely the ISO size reported at the download listing does not fit the object that was supplied and hashed by MD5
c) now I have to go and buy a better CD with 700 MB; I wonder though if not the download ISO is too big!
You sent the e-mail, I sent BitTorrent. Yea, it is an exe that you got from a stranger; scan the hell out of it and even install it on a test system if you like to feel safe. But in reality it an exe that you requested and I'm not going to muck with my reputation by sending you a bad file. Heck, I even post here under my own name, not some alias.

now you say the file is just over 711 KILOBYTES??? I think you really need to be sure of what units you are looking at. And a file will look larger if you look at it's size in bytes or in K than it will look in megs. I don't have the iso on this machine any longer, so I can't give you an exact size, but a 699 meg file I'm looking at is also 733,749,248 bytes and 716,552 kB. I think, as I said before, that you are looking at the file size in the wrong units and misunderstanding the real size.

no, the iso will fit the 700Mb just fine. the "extra" few bits are information to the burner and burnersoftware (yes I know, I made that statement much too simple to be tecnically correct)
It will fit fine. But not because there is 17 megs of an "extra few bits" of formatting information, but rather because Linunix is looking at a size in Kb and not in Meg.

03-28-2006, 04:03 AM
No reason to get excited! I have my security protocols and there is no personal suspicion involved in them. I also have to correct your view that I had requested an EXE, I have not!

To the other topic: thanks for clearification! I never found this American keen re-definition (Bill Gates?) of units very convincing, but I guess we have to live with it. :roll:

Harry Kuhman
03-28-2006, 05:13 AM
No reason to get excited! I have my security protocols and there is no personal suspicion involved in them. I also have to correct your view that I had requested an EXE, I have not!
OK, Sorry. Someone sent me an e-mail address by PM and asked for the exe. I had assumed it was you, but not a big deal, glad to give the file to anyone who wants it.

To the other topic: thanks for clearification! I never found this American keen re-definition (Bill Gates?) of units very convincing, but I guess we have to live with it. :roll:
I like to blame Gates for a lot, but he is not redefining megs and K's . 1024 bytes has always been a Kilobyte (not 1000) and 1024x1024 has always been a Megabyte. You would not want it any other way, since memory pretty much has to be sold in powers of 2 for address line reasons. The hard drive makers are pretty dishonorable about the way they overstate megabytes, and more recently the DVD makers have done the same (although CD discs were accurate about it). But a user should simply recognize that 728,190,976 bytes is the same as 694 megs which is the same as 711,124 KB. I pointed this out several posts ago, and all MS OS's that I have seen let you see the numbers in all 3 formats (I just got the numbers that I used above by looking at an ISO in Win98 and then pulling up the "properties" for it.