View Full Version : running stress test on openMosix

03-28-2006, 05:44 PM
hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me how to run a stress test on openMosix? For this stress test, ive obtained an example of a coding name "Timewaster.c" and "start_Timewaster.sh" to test my cluster. Seriously i dont have any idea how to run the coding.So far, ive re wrote the both code and save it.When i try to run on root console, with the command "root@host1#time./start_Timewaster.sh",nothing happen and it stays that folder or file could not be found...can anyone help me??

tq :lol:

04-22-2006, 06:58 PM
Actually seems you're off-topic posting 'a question' in this room, which is intended to 'give' suggestions, not to ask.
As second remark :twisted: I think would be a good idea to post the code instead of simply 'his file name'.

Anyway the thread had started and it interest me in some way :-)
I also have failed a stress-test time ago, this one. (http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-hw1/?n-l-3291)
I've replaced 'bzImage' in that code with 'vmlinuz' (knoppix version). I don't remember exactly what error messages appeared, just it doesn't worked, so any suggest will be appreciated :)

05-04-2006, 08:05 PM
I am new to using the openmosix kernel myself. I don't know what distro you are using the openmosix kernel with, but I am using ParallelKnoppix (http://idea.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix/), its website is fairly helpful, and its forums are probably the best place to ask question reguarding clustering especially with the openmosix kernel since that is what ParallelKnoppix uses. I am still a newbie when it comes to clustering, but I believe I saw something on the P-KPX forums reguarding stress testing, if you posted in that forum maxIT, I'm sure you'd get an answer as I'm sure it is a pretty common problem getting hardware in multiple computers to work together in the cluster.

As for the error message about the folder not being able to be found imiziq, I think that is refering to the "Working Directory", which is a directory which must be created and mounted on all the master nodes, and slave nodes of the cluster in order for any work to be done, if you download and use ParallelKnoppix (http://idea.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix/), it will walk you through all of the steps needed to set up the cluster including getting the Working directory running, it will also tell you about a command called mpirun which allows you to use the "Message Passing Interface" to communicate data for processing between the nodes of the cluster, mpirun works like this:
mpirun -np 2 nameoftheapp.extension Hope I was of help, and for more detailed help and a tutorial, visit the ParallelKnoppix (http://idea.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix/) site :)