View Full Version : installing kdevelop- general problems with the customisation

04-02-2006, 05:31 PM
im working on a uni project that includes a C/C++ ide as part of a package live cd
and ive been trying out (and failing) different ides, and the one i want to use is Kdevelop
(which im surprised they didnt include in the latest version of knoppix actually)

the problem is after a 'successful' installation i test the image and i get thrown to a Debian/Knoppix log in screen

which asks for a user (which defaults to KNOPPIX session) and a password which i dont have a clue about,

im wondering if its a problem with the installation of teh ide or is it a problem with updating KNOPPIX in general

any help would be great

04-02-2006, 06:54 PM
im working on a uni project that includes a C/C++ ide as part of a package live cd
and ive been trying out (and failing) different ides, and the one i want to use is Kdevelop
(which im surprised they didnt include in the latest version of knoppix actually)

the problem is after a 'successful' installation i test the image and i get thrown to a Debian/Knoppix log in screen

which asks for a user (which defaults to KNOPPIX session) and a password which i dont have a clue about,

im wondering if its a problem with the installation of teh ide or is it a problem with updating KNOPPIX in general

any help would be great

I think that kdevelop3 was not available for some time - now it can be installed 'apt-get install kdevelop3'.

What do you mean by 'successful installation'? Installing to hard disk? If you get that in live-CD, you have not necessary Knoppix files to start X and KDE automatically without login screen.

Check that you have existing /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession and /etc/init.d/xsession files.

You can set passwd to knoppix user by 'passwd knoppix'.
