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View Full Version : xboard networking over LAN?

A. Jorge Garcia
05-09-2003, 08:21 PM
OK, I've read all the xboard man files and info files and I'm totally flumoxed!!!

I know how to use xboard to play chess as white or black against gnuchess. I know how to have the computer play itself using xboard. I know how to save, load and analyze games. I know how to use xboard to plar over ICS.

But, what I need to know is: how do you set up a one-on-one game over a LAN?? You know, I start up KNOPPIX on one PC, my student does the same on another. I set up a game and give him my IP address, he joins the game and we play eachother (no gnuchess, no ICS - just local)

Can't this be done? I thought I read somewhere that it can be done with xboard. I need to this as my chess club is getting huge and we can't afford tournament sets and clocks for everyone! We've been using www.uschesslive.org, but sometimes it goes down in the middle of a tournament. Also, when new members join, they get a password via email. Well that doesn't work well for us as the students can't access email from school, so they have to wait for the next meeting to play!

Last year this was tollerable as we had a smaller club and a few sets and uschesslive would let you select your own password right away....

BTW, if you're interested, check out my chess club's website:

Please help!


05-11-2003, 05:28 PM
info from the xboard main page .. http://www.tim-mann.org/ics.html

++> ftp://ftp.freechess.org/pub/chess/Unix/
++> http://chessd.sourceforge.net

just take time to search a little bitte ;-)

A. Jorge Garcia
05-12-2003, 08:22 PM
Thanx for your answer! It seems that xboard is not made for this. The xboard author himself said I would have to set up my own FICS (free internet chess server) and dosn't recommend it!

Any other software out there that can be used in place of a chess set and clock networked over a LAN?