View Full Version : saving files to hard disk

04-13-2006, 03:33 AM
hi all,
I'm using knoppix 4.0.2 cd ,i need to know as to how to save the files downloaded fron net to hard disk

Harry Kuhman
04-13-2006, 03:43 AM
Answer #6 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman).

04-23-2006, 07:00 PM
I know this works in 3.8, but I'm unsure if it also works in others, but I'll tell you anyway.

(1.)Right click your drive icon on the desktop and choose "Properties" from the menu that comes up.
(2.)On the window that appears, click the "Device" tab.
(3.)Uncheck the "Read Only" box and click OK
(4.)The desktop will flash, and the drive will be writeable.