View Full Version : File rescue mission

04-14-2006, 09:57 AM
My Raid 1 array fell over again- end resuly Win XP pro wouldn't boot, wouldn't repair
I got cunning and installed XP again in WinXP folder so I now hava a Windows folder(corrupt) and a WinXP folder(sound)
If I try booting into Windows, get message about requiring DLL files.
I do need Windows as my business software is win-only.
I think from past reading in Linux that I should be able to copy all dll files from healthy folder to sick folder, and hence boot into the Windows folder Windows??
ie I need a syntaxical cp line to copy all dll files from WinXP to Windows folder that will replace the dll files in Windows folder

Any thoughts would be appreciated

As a byway- Knoppix installed, ran, AND WORKED, all sys go- THANK YOU!!