View Full Version : how to share internet in knoppix

04-19-2006, 05:28 AM
i've been using knoopix for two weeks now and i can say i'm satisfied with it. i would like to know how i can connect my other pc running in windows base. i'm using knoppix as my main system and installed it on the hardrive. network via samba. how do i go about this please help...

Harry Kuhman
04-19-2006, 05:33 AM
I'm not 100% sure of what you are asking, but if it is what the subject line seems to indicate, "how to share internet", then you might be helped by my stock answer #4 (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Harry_Kuhman). And this response is in no way an endorsement of Installing Knoppix to a hard drive rather than Debian.

04-20-2006, 12:40 PM

Two ways to share any internet connection, this holds true for Windows, Linux, Knoppix, Kanotix, Debian, etc...

1 ) A system is designated as a "server", the internet connection comes into this system, and, it has "local" intranet connections that connect to it. Thus, it serves the "internet" to the "intranet". Setting this up, requires the server system, be configured not only to make the "connection" out to the internet, but, also, to "dish out" this connection to other systems, through the "local" intranet. The server also would be running any firewall software or hardware, this "makes" the server the "first line defense" to protect the "local" network, from outside, "internet" attacks.

2 ) This is how we have our network set up. No "one" system is designated as a "server" for the internet, but, rather, the internet "connection" is maintained by a DSL Modem / Router combination, and it is then connected to a "local" intranet "switch". This "switch", or "hub" is the "backbone" of the local intranet, and local systems are connected to the local switch. Each system that requires internet connection, simply connects to the IP Address of the DSL Modem / Router. The DSL Modem / Router is also the "first line defense" between the local intranet and internet, and it also has the firewall protection on it. In this type of set up, no one system needs to run any form of firewall protection, unless, you want more "security"; i.e. two or more firewalls that someone would have to get through to get to any system, but, it is not necessary, if one firewall is configured properly.

In example #1, the "server" system needs to have at least two configured network connections; one to the internet, the other, to the intranet. It will need to be set up to "serve" one connection to any "clients" that require that connection to any "local" connections, thus, Pass-Thru, Blocking, Switching, and IP Address forwarding. In the example #2, all of this is handled by the "switch".

Also realize, that, in the "wording" of "sharing" internet, you are, in essence, cutting your bandwidth, and speed, in half, or more, depending on how many systems are "sharing" the internet connection. Two systems that "share" the same internet connection, if they are "both" accessing the internet at the exact same time, the through-put rate is cut in half. If, say, three systems are "sharing" the same connection, the rate is cut by thirds, four systems, fourths, etc...

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles
-=- Come to the Dark Side - We have penguins -=-

05-06-2006, 08:51 AM
Thanks for the help, however i saw one of FAQ that using the Knoppix terminal server is one of the options, i tried it but i can not connect to internet. What i mean about sharing the internet on knoppix system is ike using it as a router. eht0 is connected to dsl while eth1 is connected to my hub. i disable the dchp on my router assigning my dchp on the knoppix pc. is there any posible means to do it just like the internet wizard in windows? as much as windows is easy use it is really prone to virus and i hate it... more power and thanks for your help.

05-10-2006, 10:07 AM
Well so far so good i've been able to share internet without using a router thanks Harry and Cuddles for the reply and giving helpfull tips. as much as it is really more economical using the router rather than the knoppix box i enjoy learning the process. It is really what i wanted to do. Anyway aside from sharing internet i still have much to learn regarding linux network.