View Full Version : Copy file from hard drive to usb flash drive

05-08-2006, 03:43 PM

I am new to Knoppix. I just started reading Knoppix for Dummies. I booted off the live Knoppix DVD that came with the book. It booted up fine. I can browse the files on my hard drive and I can also browse the files on a flash drive I have plugged into a usb port. I would like to copy a file from the hard drive to the flash drive. I can't figure out how to do this. In Konqerer, I selected file myfile.txt on the hard drive and clicked on "Copy" in the Edit menu. Then I went to the Konqerer window showing the flash drive and tried to paste the file. I got a message saying "Could not write to /mnt/uba1/bootlog.txt". Can anyone tell me how I can copy this file?


05-08-2006, 04:49 PM
It's simple, once you know the "trick". Right click the link on your desktop that corresponds to the USB drive, I'll assume /mnt/sda1 in this case. Choose Action and then Change read/write mode. You'll be asked if you really want to remount as writeable so choose yes if you do. That should be all you need to do to be able to copy your file to the thumb drive. Remember though, unmount the drive before you shut down to ensure you don't corrupt anything (has to do with write cacheing). Again, you can do this by right clicking the desktop.
