View Full Version : Ending a session and the next session run

05-08-2006, 11:58 PM
If I shutdown completely and the next time I turn on my computer I boot into Knoppix, nothing from my previous session is saved or restored, correct? Thanks!

05-09-2006, 12:59 AM
correct, but if you want to save something from a previous session just mount a non-NTFS drive, open up a terminal session from the kde panel icon, and type saveconfig and then you will get a nice GUI to walk you through the save process which will save all of your sessions settings. then to load those settings again for later use when you boot, at the boot screen type the following cheat code:

knoppix myconfig=scan
knoppix myconfig= /mnt/name_of_device_with_config/nameofconfigfile

05-09-2006, 07:06 AM
One more question, I accidently extracted a .tar.gz file on my NTFS partition in Knoppix and upon Windows boot, the files were there! To test this out more, I created a text file that just said Dummy in it, booted in Knoppix, deleted it, then booted to Windows again. It was gone! I thought my harddrives were on read only in Knoppix. Is this normal?

05-11-2006, 07:20 PM
did you mount the drives? I don't really know, all I do know is it is a bad idea to write onto NTFS partitions with knoppix

05-12-2006, 04:47 AM
I don't know if I mounted them, I just let Knoppix load :( I'm using 5.0 LiveDVD.

05-18-2006, 08:56 PM
Perhaps this is a new feature included by the 5.0 knoppix live-dvd, I haven't used that version of the distro so I couldn't say, all I know is that writing to NTFS is a bad idea, if you are able to write to the drive consistently without the problems normally associated with writing to NTFS from Linux then please let me know, but for now all I can do is recommend that you proceed with caution and if possible not write to the drive unless you are able to make due without the data stored on it.