View Full Version : root and users have different screen resoultions

05-11-2003, 03:03 AM
After dabbling around with knoppix, I decided to install it to HDD. However, after installation, my root account has it's resoultion set to 1024x768 and my two user accounts have 800x600.

I have a pretty good understanding of Linux and have been using Slackware for about a year. I have checked my XF86Config & XF86Config-4 and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong there. It is set 24 depth default and the first resolutions in each are 1024x768. Now the funny thing is that even after deleting all modes apart from 1024x768, user accounts still have 800x600.

I have searched high and low through configuration files and directories and cannot seem to find ny way around it.

Is there some sort of skeleton file that is being read before the XF86Config-4 and applying these default settings?
:x Aargh!!

05-11-2003, 05:20 AM
--Are you sure it's not just a fonts+icon size issue?

i.e. if you hit Ctrl-Alt-Greyplus, does the res change...

After dabbling around with knoppix, I decided to install it to HDD. However, after installation, my root account has it's resoultion set to 1024x768 and my two user accounts have 800x600.

I have a pretty good understanding of Linux and have been using Slackware for about a year. I have checked my XF86Config & XF86Config-4 and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong there. It is set 24 depth default and the first resolutions in each are 1024x768. Now the funny thing is that even after deleting all modes apart from 1024x768, user accounts still have 800x600.

I have searched high and low through configuration files and directories and cannot seem to find ny way around it.

Is there some sort of skeleton file that is being read before the XF86Config-4 and applying these default settings?
:x Aargh!!