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View Full Version : I think Knoppix just trashed one of my LAN cards

Berg Katse
06-03-2006, 02:37 AM
I just tried the DVD version of LiveCD Knoppix linux and now one of my ethernet cards doesn't work

I have a DFI Lanparty expert mobo and when linux was booting up it seemed to recognise both LAN ports (one is a marvell yukon, the other being an Nvidea) but then wouldn't allow me to connect to the net. I played around with linux, rebooted into windows, everything seemed to be OK but.....my Marvell Yukon card seems to be disabled. Could a LiveCD version of the OS tell my ethernet card to powerdown and stay off? The BIOS recognises the card as does windows hardware profile but now no connection or flashing lights.

grrrrr so much for trying linux :-(

Please help resort my confidence in linux, any help?????

Harry Kuhman
06-03-2006, 03:41 AM
I never heard of this before, although I did have a case of a version of Knoppix that worked just fine on a notebook's NIC until after I allowed Microsoft XP's "security update" to run, and then it no longer could work with Linux (the same Knoppix CDR and the next few releases as well) but would still work with XP!

I would suggest that you make sure that you completely power off the hardware, don't just remove the CD and do a warn boot.

Beyond that I'm at a losss to make more suggestions at the moment but I'll give it some thought.

Berg Katse
06-03-2006, 08:25 AM
I unplugged the puter from the mains for a few hours, then plugged it back in, computer is good as new

Linux sucks ass, and not in a good way!

Guess I'll stick to my old SGI indy.