View Full Version : How to reactivate eth0?

06-06-2006, 03:27 PM
Hello. I am using Knoppix 4.0.2 live CD. I want to run my DSL's cat5 cable through a manual on/off swith, so I can physically disconnect from the internet and then reconnect at will, without rebooting. Also, I want to be able to boot without an internet connection and then get Knoppix recognize the connection upon command. Whenever I boot with my DSL modem already attached it shows up as eth0. How do I get eth0 working from the command line?

Harry Kuhman
06-06-2006, 05:46 PM
Does your DSL modem have a router built in? You didn't mention it, but it sounds like it does, otherwise you should need to run pppoe software and the connection would not be there when you boot Knoppix.

If you are not using a router I strongly suggest that you buy an inexpensive one and use it.

The answer to your question (assuming a router to take care of pppoe for you is somewhere) should be to run netcardconfig and answer the dhcp question that it asks in the affarmative.

06-06-2006, 06:29 PM
Thanks! The netcardconfig command works like a charm.