View Full Version : How do I check my jump drive persistent image?

06-07-2006, 11:08 PM
I have been using a 512MB flash drive to hold a persistent home image while I'm using the Knoppix live CD. My question is how can I check to see how much room I have left inside the image "partition" I set the size of the Image to 256MB when I stored it there. Today I ran the "BB" toy and suddenly I was getting messages that my home image had no more room and had to be fixed. When I looked in Konqueror, there was some "raw.music" file that was 200MB big! I deleted that. Was that triggering the error messages? :?

I have Firefox configured and Konqueror etc. I have installed Macromedia flash, and basically have a fantastic Knoppix desktop environment, but I would like to get a feel for when I need to be careful about space considerations. :shock:

I wonder if there is any more info about the whole "image to flash drive" in any documentation. CAn't seem to find much. For example can I increase the space somehow? stuff like that. :)

I have a Vers. 5.0.1 Live Cd that I downloaded.

06-08-2006, 11:18 AM
You can see free space for all mounted filesystems with "df" command (use in Konsole) or "KDiskFree" command from KMenu.

In Knoppix 4.0.2 CD KDiskFree is at KMenu->System->More Applications->KDiskFree
You can also press "Alt-F2", then write "KDiskFree" and press Enter.

Those tools can show quite many devices and free space for them. Look for a device with "knoppix.img" in it.
e.g. for me the device for persistant home is /mnt/hdb2/knoppix.img

Example output from df:

knoppix@1[knoppix]$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 2471 22 2449 1% /
/dev/hdb2 5313432 4919712 393720 93% /cdrom2.loop
/ramdisk 219712 11036 208676 6% /ramdisk
/UNIONFS 14797436 11475880 3321556 78% /UNIONFS
/cdrom2.loop/CD.iso 711124 711124 0 100% /cdrom/
/dev/cloop 1941958 1941958 0 100% /KNOPPIX
/UNIONFS/dev/hdb2 5313432 4919712 393720 93% /mnt/hdb2
99150 85037 14113 86% /KNOPPIX.IMG
12635768 9522888 3112880 76% /data

So this tells that I have used 86% of the space available in persistant home.
And I have 14113 kB space left.

If you want to know what is taking all that space, "filelight" is good for that.
Press Alt-F2, write "filelight" to command-box and press Enter.
Then select Scan->"Scan Home Directory"
(filelight is not in 4.0.2CD but is in 4.0.2DVD - It's probably also in 5.0.1DVD)

06-08-2006, 02:05 PM
Thanks Malaire! :) That was very helpful, I will try that command. That is exactly the information I was looking for. I have filelight on my 5.0.1 CD and I've been trying to understand it, but I just don't seem to follow the concept behind the diagrams. :( Anyhow, I've ordered the DVD version and hopefully there will be some help content on that. The CD doesn't really have any help files at all, that I've been able to find. I'm a complete kn00b with this stuff, but I am hoping the CD will help me understand enough to know which Linux I will want to install on the secondary HDD in my Windows XP box. 8)