View Full Version : Two interconnected issues

06-10-2006, 10:11 PM
Hi all,

I'm a new user (the past 12 hours) of Knoppix, and I'm trying to sort out an issue. I am able to log in as root in a command line, but not in KDE. I successfully set up a root password for KDE (when i try to access user settings it prompts for it and it works) but I cannot log in as root. I need to have root access in order to extract my firmware update to the /lib/firmware folder... I believe. Is there any way to get it to work?

The problem this has stemmed from is that, like others i've noticed in this forum, I'm using an Intel 2200bg wireless adapter, and I'm unable to get it to work. The Device Manager recognizes it, but when I attempt to set it up it says that there's no wireless card detected (using Wavelan) which leads me to believe it's a driver problem...

So in short, does anyone know what I need to do to correct these issues? I know that the first one is a necessity, and probably a necessity to solve the 2nd one. I figure that once I get my wireless up and running in Knoppix any other problems that may present themselves will be researchable from that end, rather than having to boot back and forth between XP and Linux each time something goes wrong...

Thanks everyone,


06-15-2006, 02:41 AM
nobody? I'd really like to figure this out and I'm having no luck on my own.

06-15-2006, 05:10 PM
if you type
sudo konqueror&
in a console you will get root acess to the filemanager, use that to go to your file rightclick on it and choose extract...

06-16-2006, 03:43 AM
if you type
sudo konqueror&
in a console you will get root acess to the filemanager, use that to go to your file rightclick on it and choose extract...

Thank you very much. I'll try this out after work tomorrow, and hopefully have my wireless up and running by Saturday... thanks again, I really do appreciate it.


06-18-2006, 02:24 PM

I used THIS process to get the card up and running:

(after copying the firmware to /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/)

"Thanks, I copied the firmware version 3.0 from the ipw2200.sf.net , and copied them to the mentioned directory.

Then I proceed onto the following steps in a root shell...

1. modprobe -r ipw2200
2. modprobe ipw2200
3. ifconfig eth1 up
4. netcardconfig

After the DHCP is configured with netcardconfig, it started to work.

I'm writing this from my net connected Knoppix 5.01 !

Cool !


And it worked... I saveconfig'd it, then rebooted the system... the OTHER configuration changes I had made were saved, but during the boot sequence the system mentioned one knoppix.sh file having an error or some issue with line 11, and then told me that eth2 failed to load (which is my wireless connection)

When I rename the knoppix.sh file the problem goes away... along with all of my configuration changes... I tried to redo the process with the same configuration and it failed on me, so i went back to my previous config (from a few days ago) and tried it... it worked, but then when i rebooted, same issue; it appears to be an issue with the knoppix.sh file, which I'm sure is a file saved by the configuration, but I don't recall seeing that file BEFORE I configured the wireless card...

any ideas as to what is going on and how i can remedy it? I've made great strides today, but I can't have the configuration of my wireless be a recurring issue, there's gotta be a way to get it to work correctly...

any takers?

Thank you for everything,
