View Full Version : knoppix wireless networking

06-13-2006, 03:15 AM
I have tried using knoppix 5.0.1 with y wireless network and to date I have had no luck .. I have tried all the suggesitons in this forum as well .. basically knoppix 5 loads perfectly but it will not recognize my wireless setup .. the system is as follows ..

cpu : intel pentium 4 1.6 ghz, 1 gb ram, 100 gb free disk space
os : xp pro with sp2 fully upto date
wireless : router is dlink di 524 .. pc wireless card is dlink dwl g510

during setup knoppix recognizes eth0 and eth1 but when fully running cannot find any wireless connections
I have noticed the same when I try my HP 2311 laptop ..

this is starting to give me more grey hairs than i already have :) .. any thoughts or suggestions ... dlink did not have any linux drivers for the pc card either ..

thanks in advance


06-13-2006, 03:18 AM
I failed to mention that I am loading Knoppix using Live CD and NOT from the HD

06-13-2006, 04:12 PM
loaded ver 4 of Knoppix and it immediately found eth0,1,2 .. where I believe that eth2 was the wireless card .. was able to config the card and get Kwifi to go 'Green' ... was able to 'ping' both the router and various IP's such as Knoppix and a few others ...
BUT could not ping their URL's and still cannot get onto the Web .. HEEEEEEEEELP I have run out of ideas ..

06-13-2006, 05:32 PM
finally got knoppix 4.02 working on the internet ... 5.01 is still dead in water .. it refuses to find the wireless card ..
BUT here is what i did to make 4.0 work ... [part of this was due to my own ignorance !!]

1. check your IP, subnet and default in windows before going to Knoppix
2. for the 'Nameserver' portion of the network Card Configure use the DNS figure you got in windows [Dummy Me !!]
3. Broadcast figure is generally what ever the default figure is [it seems that this is generally figured out by the card configurer]
4. Most Important .... go to root and enter pump -i ethxx where xx is the number for your wireless card [i.e. 0,1,2,...] as this will renew your IP which will keep those nasty "I can ping the addresses but not the URL ] Blues away and you should be able to log onto the Web ...

hope this all works for you

Harry Kuhman
06-13-2006, 06:47 PM
3. Broadcast figure is generally what ever the default figure is [it seems that this is generally figured out by the card configurer]
What? Maybe I just don't understand what you are trying to say, but I would never get the correct broadcast address setting based on this statement.

The Broadcast address is an IP address used in TCI/IP as a common address that all cards in a group will monitor and any message sent to the broadcast address will be received by all of the NICs in the group. It is used for things like Address Resolution Protocol messages and it must be set correctly for your network to work properly. It is easy to determine, and is always based on two other values, the card's IP address and the network mask. The mask tells you what part of the address is common to the group (the part where there are binary 1's that line up with the IP address and what part can change to allow space for other IP addresses (the part where there are binary 0's in the mask). So if the mask is then this is a class C network with space for 255 IP addresses (the last of the four numbers can vary from 0 to 255, the first 3 are fixed). If the mask is anything else then this is a different size network, smaller or larger. Of the potential IP addresses in the group, two are always reserved, the lowest is a "talk back" address. And the highest is always (not "generally", always) the broadcast address. So if the IP address were and the mask were then the broadcast address that would have to be used by all cards on that local sub-net would be

So if you know the mask and the IP address you can always determine the broadcast address. (Interestingly, you can't always determine the mask if you know the broadcast address and the IP address, although you can usually make an edcuated guess).

06-13-2006, 08:22 PM
1. You are totally correct and i stand corrected for the 'fuller brush' statement on 'broadcast' values [a little knowledge is sometimes dangerous :)]..

2. tried to employ my results with my pc and the wireless vs internet on my HP2311 Laptop and it seems that it refuses no matter which version of Knoppix I use to recognize the Broadband Wireless system in the laptop .. As the King Said to Anna in Siam ..' It is most puzzeling !'
